Thank you so much for standing up for our kids and our climate by - TopicsExpress


Thank you so much for standing up for our kids and our climate by signing my petition. Together, we asked the Port of Vancouver Commissioners to reject the proposal from oil giants Tesoro and Savage to build a massive oil export facility in Vancouver, WA. My mom and nine-year-old daughter hand-delivered your signatures — more than 14,000! — to the commissioners last week at the official hearing. More than 90 people came to the hearing to oppose the project, including local Climate Parents members and their families. Unfortunately, the Port of Vancouver Commission sided with oil companies over our families and voted to approve the proposal. Now, Tesoro and Savage must apply to Washington State for approval on their dangerous project. Washington’s governor, Jay Inslee, a long-standing champion of building a clean energy economy, will be the final decision-maker on the oil export terminal. Can you send him a message now asking him to oppose this project? As a parent, I know how important it is to stand up for the safety of my family. I live in Vancouver, WA, and it’s where I’m raising my daughter. Tesoro and Savage’s proposed facility would ship as many as 360,000 barrels of crude oil every day along the Columbia River — that’s half the volume of the Keystone XL pipeline. This project would incentivize additional oil extraction across America at a time when our country is being racked by climate change-fueled heat waves, floods and drought. Last week, Gov. Inslee told local press there are legitimate questions surrounding the safety of the proposal and said the public needs to be protected. He has a strong record of supporting clean energy solutions, but the pressure to approve this project from oil companies will be immense. That’s why we need to take action now. If Gov. Inslee is really committed to a clean energy economy, he must reject this proposal. I will keep working to stop this oil facility. I hope you’ll continue to work with me. By signing my petition with Climate Parents, you’ll be part of a growing movement of families demanding solutions to climate change. And, Climate Parents will keep you updated about this and other issues where we can make a difference for our kids and communities. Please, tell Gov. Jay Inslee to oppose this massive project and look toward kid safe, climate safe energy solutions: Thank you for your support, Caleb Connolly Climate Parents member
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 21:44:08 +0000

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