Thanks for giving me 17 Katie, you are completely out of control. - TopicsExpress


Thanks for giving me 17 Katie, you are completely out of control. ;] 1. I had* an epileptic gerbil who died having a seizure. 2. I genuinely dislike horses. 3. I have actually lost in a chugging race, but only once. 4. If you have ever snored for a prolonged extent of time in my presence, I have strongly considered drowning out the sound by suffocating you with a nearby pillow. 5. Eight is the maximum amount of grilled cheese I can eat in one sitting, however, finding this number out has left me with a lingering aversion to them. 6. I favor Logan over Libby and feel entirely guilty about it. 7. Sometimes when I laugh really hard I pee a little bit. 8. Compliments make me really uncomfortable. 9. Every time I hold a little infant, I am terrified to my core that its head is going to roll back, clean off. 10. I dont have a 5-year plan. 11. I really dont wear socks unless I absolutely have to. 12. Sharing makes me really happy. 13. My mind has never changed about any of the people who Ive mentally asserted onto my shit list. 14. If I have to fart, I try to hold it in as long as possible until it slowly wisps out- soundless, its bouquet consequently intensified. 15. Brittany Heninger, Katie Brown, and Russel Stepan were the best people to conclude your childhood with. 16. I am incredibly grateful that my path crossed with Page Greenleafs, and although she hates these as much as I do I relish in including her in one. 17. [Paraphrased] I take a certain pride in mocking the romantic, in being unsentimental, matter-of-fact, stoic; yet at heart I am the complete opposite-idealistic, dreamy, giving, and deeply attached to everything I like to verbally dismiss as mushy.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 20:10:14 +0000

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