Thanks to Don Skinner for putting up the info on Claude King who - TopicsExpress


Thanks to Don Skinner for putting up the info on Claude King who sang Wolverton Mountain. Nice gesture and a fine song and B9 on the juke box at Johhny Walkers as I remember. I appreciate Don and we have been friends a long time. I am not ashamed to say I love Don and all that we went through with each other.We once tented with each other at Fort Bragg, both our cars died and we tented in a flood zone. It rained 10 inches that week. I woke up in the middle of the night and my boots were floating. Don thought he had wet his pants. We could go on the road with our stories about peeps , high school and the National Guard. Before I go further, I want to say the men in Bravo Battery in Monroe were the finest men I knew. If we had had to go to Nam, we would have gone and done it our way. I appreciate my friends that went like Colin Helms, David Jordan,and several others.You did it the hard way. Some of you did not come back.We served and did not run to Canada or dodge the issue.I salute each and every one of you.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 19:21:32 +0000

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