Thanks to Megan Lynn Megan Lynn BloodworthI got the number 21.. So - TopicsExpress


Thanks to Megan Lynn Megan Lynn BloodworthI got the number 21.. So here goes. 1) I am terrified.. And I mean terrified of spiders. 2) Dont judge me.. But i am 26 and I love Justin Bieber. 3) i sometimes wonder when I die if anyone would come to my funeral.. I mean death is a scary thing.. and cam come at any time. Is it weird that I think about that? 4) I cannot sing at all.. But when I am in my car and Im blasting Whitney Houston, I sing at the top of my lungs and I can see myself walking up on stage to accept a grammy. 5) Im not where I wanna be, but thank god Im not where I use to be. 6) I love my family more they will ever know.. Even though I dont always show it. 7) My friends are my family. I dont know what I would do without them. 8) My favorite movie still to this day is My Girl. 9) Im not much of a cartoon fan, but I could watch Lili And Stitch, and Stitch Has a Glitch all the time. 10) I know sometimes I come off as not such a nice person.. But i really am a good person.. And If I can I would give someone the shirt off my back(figuratively).. I just wish people wouldnt take my kindness for weakness, or take advantage of it. 11) 2 of the worst days of my life when my Poppy passed, and when my cousin Chris passed.. Those events really affected me. If I could have one more day with them.. 12) I wouldnt change anything that has happened to me, For they have made me who I am today.. Good and bad. 13) I am ADDICTED to Law And Order: SVU 14) I dropped out of High School because I was so far behind with my credits.. But I decided to go back to Classic City High.. And I am so glad I did.. It was so amazing to be able to walk across that stage and get something I worked so hard for.. Even if I was a few years late. It was worth it. 15) I share the same birthday with AJ McLean from the Backstreet Boys. Its kind of weird how similar our birthdays are. He was born January 9th 1978 and i was born January 9 1987. 16) I love long drives around town or around the country with music blasting. It takes my mind off of whatever is bothering me. 17) I believe that everything happens for a reason, and everyone is brought into your life for a reason. And I thank god every day for my ex because that relationship formed a relationship between me and one of my besties Heather Brookover. 18) I hope to one day soon get back on my feet fully and get back out on my own.. And to go back to school. 19) One of my biggest passions besides music, is radio broadcasting. Oh how I would love to get back in that field. It made me so happy! 20) I love make up! Make up is so much fun. Its one of my favorite parts of going out on the town. Sometimes to pass time, even if I am not going anywhere I will just sit down and put make up on. 21) I admit it.. I am a Mountain Dew addict. I drink entirely way too much if it.. But its so good!!!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 05:03:40 +0000

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