That is great and truly incidental. I will offer my advice for - TopicsExpress


That is great and truly incidental. I will offer my advice for ailing Apple right now. Stop PUTTING ALL YOUR EGGS IN ONE BASKET and move on. Before Jobs died he was ccreating buzz on a possible Apple TV. This had sincere promise for if anyone has owned the past couple of generations of iMac you can see how this sort of idea could really lend itself to what is already in place. Apple has had it god for a long time and by this I mean they make a high quality product that is both reliable and dependable; needing very little maintenance overall. The advent of the iPod placed Apple in a unique position in that they had a proprietary product that was soon to be in high demand. This evolved into a variety of interfaces finally peaking with the Ipad which is in essence a glammed up iPod touch. In the interest of capitalistic endeavor s Apple’s competitors recognized a great thing and went about trying to make a comparable product and have succeeded overall with the introduction of Android phones and a variety of alternative products from companies like Samsung; which produces high end touch screen devices. Apple also farms much of its work overseas (in the interest of capitalism) and thus its proprietary secrets are disseminated and often reproduced in the form of knock offs or low end devices to be made available for the global masses . This cannot be stopped and is the risk you take when a corporation seeks cheaper manufacturing and to add to its bottom line; profits. I repeat this cannot be stopped nor should it. The inferior low end devices pose no real risk to Apple but its more aspiring competitors like Samsung do pose risk. Apple has seen fit to utilize its war chest in prosecutions and these kinds of intellectual property arguments; they are not wrong in entirety, only to who they direct these lawsuits at. They should only utilize their massive war chest trying to get their piece of the action for proprietary technology from the bigger competitors; especially when it is clear that their technologies have been so appreciably imitated and Apple is due their share or royalty strictly from a global patent perspective. This being said Apple has tried to hold onto a good thing without seeing the writing on the wall and what brought them this unprecedented success; innovation and superior products. It is time to move on and innovate and not keep tinkering with the same offering until it is virtually indistinguishable from all of the other products or can be scrutinized to finite difference such as this modification they are announcing to the operating systems in the article attached. Having recently just evaluated an iPhone after having owned a Samsung android device and some low end Android devices I found the experience very-very frustrating. Apple is clearly not taking into account the modern marketplace and instead desperately trying to hold onto their market share which will only decrease each passing year. The Samsung device allowed me to download and watch a variety of content. The acquisition of apps was easy and convenient. The types of apps offered were pivotal such as applications for downloading youtube directly to your device. This is a huge thing right now. The availability of so much free online content without any legal liability for the user (assuming as long as it is on youtube it is public domain until taken down or how it is disseminated after you download). It also allows you the user to design your own commercial free programming (which in essence is what youtube is about). Using the iPhone however it was impossible to obtain a single one of these apps. They were not listed in the App store nor could they be found online without “jailbreaking” your phone. By my deduction it seemed to me that Apple would rather have you corralled to the iTunes store and pay for similar content as a means of revenue generation than simply acknowledge the times; this is fundamentally dishonest and not keeping with the trends or the global marketplace. This is the future and Apple has to embrace it; like it or not. There truly is no other deduction for the restrictions to the device other than they are trying to keep their devices virus free but this is really a cop ou and we the consumer know it. Also Apple devices make it more difficult to play your downloadable content to display devices by not offering a simple HDMI port as most Android devices come standard with. In so keeping with the youtube dilemma Apple needs to get back to developing the Apple TV. They can take all their existing technologies and combine them into one tremendously expensive and luxurious consumer item that would place them back at the precipice of innovation. Returning to the iMac which already lends itself as a standalone entertainment center with such; high-end definition, screen real estate, processing power, and fidelity. Combining the smart board technologies already in existence that we see so readily on stations like CNN and the like of which, into a television that possesses similar touch screen capabilities and has a massive processor unlike no other yet offered commercially allowing this device to multitask. Screen resolutions are also climbing with 1080p already obsolete to 10,000p and Apple should not miss introducing this clarity along with terabyte drives. The design of the traditional flat screen could be challenge by changing the very shape of the screen so that it curves to meet the peripheral of your eye thus generating a three dimensional feel that one finds on the curved Imax screens. I recall as a youngster going to Great Adventure and there was an amusement that was simply a long curved screen that had projected upon it images of roller coasters from the first person perspective and highway scenes, skiing and whatnot that when displayed on this curved screen made it seem 3 D and actually gave you the butterflies in your stomach as if you were going down the actual coaster or slope. Borrowing from the PS3 or Wii Apple could make the touch screen something you do not have to get up out of your seat for but can simply wand your remote just like a Wii controller. The remote itself could be both a wand combining with a touch screen or an existing apple product like an iPod or IPad. Without elaborating too much Apple products for many consumers are not only symbols of affluence but are incentives and help move the economy. The high end offering of such a TV may seem unsustainable in a recession but I bet dollars to donuts that once offered people will find a way to acquire these just as they have previously; even when they are not economically feasible for most. The television is the modern day mantel or fireplace which would account for status if one had one; people JUST want these types of luxuries and salivate at the prospect. Apple needs to relinquish the idea it can hold onto its diminishing market share of tablets and touch screen devices and bring forth something yet on the market place; before they are eclipsed by ever growing giants like Samsung. This is just my opinion of course. cnn/2013/06/10/tech/innovation/apple-wwdc-2013/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 20:07:03 +0000

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