That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in - TopicsExpress


That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ. What is hope in advance even while knowing we should be to the praise of His Glory? Well I can start with the fact that we have been chosen in Him before the foundation of the world, verse 4 as an example. If you take that fact and you put it with who first trusted in Christ you will have hope in advance even before hearing and understanding the Word of God. Let me explain, first of all, first trusted in Christ means to hope in advance before hearing the confirmation or before it was even confirmed to be true! You believe it before hearing a lesson on being chosen before the foundation of the world! Here is the main important factor, you believed that Jesus Christ was crucified, He died, was buried and resurrected before hearing all the proof that the tomb was empty and still is empty to this day and even right now you may not understand everything about whether if it is true or not? You just believe even if you were not there at the time He was crucified while, there were others who were there yet, you and I have never even met them! Wow, what lead us to first believe, to hope in advance before hearing the confirmation and even at that we have to trust, hope and believe whether even the confirmation is true until we see evidence! Here we go again, that is the point we don’t have to see any evidence! This is what it means to first trust in Christ, we believe without seeing. Thereafter, in the next verse something happens to our faith, it increases; our trust in God is empowered by hearing more about this truth of Jesus Christ which is the Gospel! In verse 13: “In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise,” after first trusting in Christ our trust is even more magnified after hearing the word of truth the gospel of our salvation! How is it magnified, because after we believed (not that we did not believe before, when we first trusted in Christ) caused by the same Spirit that convicted us, is the same Spirit that sealed us which was promised to us by Jesus Christ Himself before His death burial and resurrection! Yes, it is the Holy Spirit in which our trust is magnified in us! This is how we first trusted in Christ with all that was said prior to what I am about to say, Jesus Christ said one of the Works of the Holy Spirit is too convict or reprove the world of sin, righteousness and Judgment, John 16:8! The reproving of sin is because of our unbelief. Before we can trust in Christ or first trust in Christ, the Holy Ghost have to reprove you first of your unbelief, then without even hearing a confirmation of what was said is even true you have an overwhelming illumination that comes over you (the Holy Ghost) that convicts you of sin that leads you to believe in Jesus name. The Holy Ghost is the key to Hope in Advance before the confirmation, it is He that leads you, empowers you, fulfills you, strengthens you, and guides you into all truth, John 16:13. Today my friend, without a shadow of doubt start hoping in Advance by the Power of the Holy Ghost for there is an inheritance for you on this side of life and in the life to come is one of the benefits wherewith I will be continuing. Today, Hope in Advance for your inheritance in Jesus Name…
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 23:31:48 +0000

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