Thats the ticket!! Please read my thoughts on this issue and then - TopicsExpress


Thats the ticket!! Please read my thoughts on this issue and then share. Its in Florida and coming to a state near you!. Just one more way to take down the free market! Ticket sales -- can you believe they want to mess with a crowd of music loving Americans????? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The mid-term election of 2014 was a signal event for those who have not governed toward priorities of fiscal restraint and limited government. Whether or not they like it, they are forced to pay attention and we cannot lose momentum. Even with these newly elected leaders, unfortunately far too many members of the political class continue to view their seat in government as a way to achieve personal or political goals. We must continue to demand leaders who support with their message AND with their voting records the basic, common sense principles of freedom. A good way to gauge where a politician truly stands is not on the big picture issues, such as Obamacare or the Keystone Pipeline. Those issues tend to fall along bright partisan divides, with the politicians choosing the sides dictated by their party bosses. Other issues, the ones not covered nonstop by the media, reveal an elected official’s true principles. One example is a “seemingly” small matter that doesn’t get much media attention -- yet is a “ticket” to more oppressive government intrusion in our pockets and our ability to purchase items in the free market. That battleground has been fiercely contested the past few years and believe it or not – it is over the buying and selling of tickets (to sporting events, concerts, etc.). That’s right – tickets! It’s not a front-and-center issue, so you likely won’t see it covered on cable news and talk radio. Thus, it’s an indicator of where these elected officials really stand. Florida’s laws on this topic are, for the most part, fair-minded and supportive of free markets. If I buy a ticket to an event and later choose not to go, I can sell my ticket to whomever I choose for whatever price I can get, or I can simply give my ticket away. The basic principles of supply and demand dictate the pricing in this secondary market. Go America! But wait, there’s more. Some would like to add new laws. Big ticket sellers that handle ticketing for venues are able to charge big “convenience” fees. So be it: the ticket sellers have negotiated their fees with the venue, and, even it they seem high, that’s not in conflict with free markets. The problem is that these big ticket sellers have hired dozens of lobbyists to try to persuade state legislatures across the country to rewrite laws so that they can control both the initial sale of the tickets and the sale on the secondary market. Legislation was filed in Florida last year that would have upended our rights as consumers, among other things strictly regulating how tickets can be sold on online platforms and mandating that those reselling a certain number of tickets register with the state. Nothing mixes worse than freedom and government databases. The ticket sellers are also pushing “restricted tickets” which require the purchaser to present a government identification card and credit card when entering the venue, severely limiting a consumer’s ability to resell a ticket. What? Yep, you read that right! These measures are insidious attempts to carve out special favors for a few big companies. Nothing could be more in conflict with the principles of freedom celebrated by Tea Parties across the country, and it is an excellent issue for exposing where state and federal lawmakers really stand on these principles. We can’t give an inch. The free market works, and it’s what the Framers intended for American commerce. Let’s keep fighting for it. The free market is the heart and soul of America – and that’s the “ticket” to freedom!
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 17:47:44 +0000

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