The Advanced Organization of the Great Plains Success Story - - TopicsExpress


The Advanced Organization of the Great Plains Success Story - Solo I Course Qualification I just never got to do the Solo course. Every option was either too remote and required travel, or too time consuming (at some of the sources, a course is stretched over weekends and takes several months to complete), or it is too expensive (and besides that - Official Church of Scientology would also likely not approve of my Free-Zone OT-level achievements). However, to advance further, one needs good command of the E-meter. I tried the Solo course with my twin and we could not go too far. For it is written in such a manner that one needs to either already have a considerable knowledge of the E-meter, or to have a supervisor very familiar with the course. However, OTs have some peculiar skills and their own, within a couple months, I got my eyes on an E-meter Drills video, which explained a lot of details about the needle phenomena and movements. My next thought was to find the authors - maybe they can be booked to provide the Solo training? That is how I met Jonathan Burke. It took some time to match our schedules, but this summer we had a wonderful opportunity to meet him and Carrie. Jonathan is amazingly skilled with the E-meter. He spent a big part of his life in the official COS and is expertly familiar with both the Solo Course and the required training. In about 10 days - the time that we had to achieve the results - he diligently worked with us, making sure we correctly understand all the essentials. In a mere 10 days, I felt comfortable working with e-meter on the auditors side. I knew how to read the needle movements and what to expect. There is really a rather vast body of knowledge that is condensed in the course data. One can best tap into it only doing the course with a skilled auditor: nuances about resistance, and readiness for session, details of working and monitoring the surrounding space, polishing tone skills and commands and questions... It can be intense but it is doable even in a short time span. All the essentials were already in place. So, when I got to do my own complete Solo session, I had a feeling of gain - that I obtained the data and skills I set out to learn on this course. More than that - that I am fully ready and capable of advancing further on the bridge - on my own, the way it was designed to be done. Many thanks to Jonathan and Carrie for their kind help! I also have to specially commend him for his TRs and comm skills. My twin and I had tested them quite to the limits and I am yet to meet anyone in the free-zone who can withstand such a pressure without the ruds going out. Thank you Jonathan. Keep doing the good work, this planet needs it SK
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 22:02:30 +0000

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