The Amaechi Saga In A Nutshell: The Truth. He was Ex Gov - TopicsExpress


The Amaechi Saga In A Nutshell: The Truth. He was Ex Gov Odili’s PAMO Clinic PRO after graduation and NYSC 2. He was PA to Odili when he was deputy governor to Ada George 3. Amaechi was Speaker of the RVHA when Odili was governor (1999-2007) 4. He was removed as governorship aspirant under PDP and replaced with Celestine Omehia 5. PDP (Omehia) won the guber in 2007 and Amaechi went to court to reclaim his mandate 6. All this while he was tucked away in Ghana mostly hosted by JJ Rawlings and co (Rawlings always visits Rivers State and has been alleged by some people as conduit for billions of Rivers money) 7. After winning his mandate from the Supreme Court, he immediately swung into action with laudable endeavours – began by a Truth and Reconciliation Commission headed by the late Justice Kayode Esho. All ex-militants, ex-governor Odili all partook in the peace process. 8. He began fixing the dilapidated infrastructure left by Odili. Banned Okada’s and ordered all homes in GRA area with high fences to cut them in half. Knocked down illegal structures and began construction of state of the art schools. 9. Was understandably active in the election of President Goodluck Jonathan like all other South- South and South East governors. 10. River State was the first port of call of the newly elected President Jonathan. Amaechi organized a reception for the president and the first lady and they danced and wined (Amaechi danced with dame Patience, while the president danced with Judith Amaechi) 11. Amaechi then threatened to clear the Nembe/ Bonny waterside and Abonnema wharf slums (where lots of waterside and riverine indigenes of Rivers State had lived for ages). 12. The decision to do (no 11) did not go down well with lots of Rivers indigenes. But Amaechi promised reimbursement and relocation. (Unaccomplished till date), he went ahead to mow down Abonnema wharf against all pleas from anyone who dared to plead. 13. Amaechi changed colour and began hunting down perceived enemies. Arresting people at will, and this was mostly after he won his second mandate in 2011. 14. He removed the VC of RSUST without due process and dared ASUU to go on strike over the matter because he is the visitor to the state university and ASUU does not have a right to tell him what to do. 15. He commenced one of the most glaring white elephant projects in Nigeria (RiversMonorail), about 74+ billion naira spent and only pillars are in place (please take a trip to PH to see for yourselves). He neglected provision of motorable roads around Wimpey.Eliparanwo/Iwofe axis hollering on TV that the indigenes of the area did not vote for him or support his guber ambition. 17. Then came the oil wells matters which brewed long before president Jonathan became vice president. 18. And the fuel subsidy removal championed by Amaechi and other governors. 19. In April 2013 (just 3 months ago) the ACN in Rivers State lambasted Amaechi for not providing 24 hrs electricity from the state turbines as promised during his campaign for 2nd term and running the state with impunity. Amaechi without due process sacked 11 LGA Chairmen for coming late to a meeting and swore in replacements. 21. Chux Ubani posted: ‘’Amaechi himself does not respect the Rule of Law to which he is a beneficiary. He came in through the judgment of the Supreme Court. He sacked the chairman of a local government without recourse to due process. He stopped the payment of allowances of the 5 members of the House of Assembly without due process. He went to the House of Assembly uninvited. His ADC and CSO beat up a member of the House, under his full glare and supervision. Now people are blaming Jonathan. Let us wake up from our slumber and see that Amaechi who does not respect the Rule of Law has aligned with some dubious people to discredit the president. 22. Now most of the roads he began with zeal are in a sorry state. Eyesore. Potholes in many places except for Stadium rd, Elekahia rd, Old Aba rd and Trans Amadi rd. 23. Those who swore to make Nigeria ungovernable began to lose out with Boko Haram since the USA, Nigeria and Britain have branded BH a terrorist organization and the born-to-rulers found a willing tool in Amaechi. The same ACN which was fouling Amaechi’s stalled governance style suddenly began praising him overnight. Amaechi opposed the now successful state of Emergency in the Boko Haram states and warned the president not to go ahead with the decision. 24. He began to snub and disrespect Rivers PDP elders and other party people in his state and openly lambasted the president at any available forum including church services and burial ceremonies. All those bent on undermining President Jonathan became his friend. Most times he talks from both sides of his mouth: change positions whenever he likes (“Orubebe is an incompetent minister”/January 2013; “Orubebe is a transformational leader”/March 2013. The account below is that of a Rivers Indigene long before he supervised the beating of the lawmaker against his interest with his ADC, CSO and his loyalist, Chidi Lloyd: Rotimi Chibuike Amaechi is the Governor of Rivers State. He was Personal Assistant to Governor Peter Odili before he found the favor that elevated him to become Speaker of the Rivers State House of Assembly, a position he occupied while the coffers of Rivers State was murderously plundered and scavenged upon.He kept quiet at that time as he had to watch over his own till. He did not launch a revolution. Neither did he even dare call for one. I am sure he was very timid at the time. How many people came out to revolt when Abacha was slaughtering and stealing out monies? Did Amaechi revolt then?Did Amaechi come out to revolt when his mandate was seized from him? Have Rivers people come out to revolt against the huge bilions of naira that Amaechi and his goons have swallowed in the past few years? While the people go out to revolt, Governor Amaechi would most likely be seeping champagne in his state-owned private jet OR possibly jetting off to his favorite resort in Ghana….Most likely the same place he ran to when his ‘mandate’ was seized from him. Nigerians must continue to speak up for the good of the land. That is what we must continue to do and not allow some others lead us foolishly into despair while they run off with their families. Has Amaechi not been utterly dictatorial in the way and manner with which he manages the affairs of Rivers State? Very soon, his tenure will be over. What will happen to the billions ‘poured’ into the Greate Port Harcourt Development Scheme? Will the Greater Port Harcourt Development Project go the way of TINAPA (of Cross River State)? Time will tell. Will the incoming governments continue with the largely scandalous Mono Rail Projects or will it DUMP it for more pressing and more sustainable projects? Time will tell. Years after and billions of naira after, what has happened to the much flaunted Rivers Mega Hospital? Two years to the end of Amaechi’s reign as Governor, the Rivers Mega Hospital has become a sad story. Every one is keeping mute while the loud mouthed Governor parades the country and insults the intelligence of the average Rivers man. What was supposed to be a PPP Project driven by a Canadian ‘company’ Clinotech failed. And then it became a contract to Clinotech. It is still failing. An existing UPTH was razed down for the ‘greatly’ expected Mega Hospital. Nothing has come out of it. Tens of billions have been so recklessly plunged into what might eventually turn out to be the biggest scam in the Niger Delta. Anyway, the revolution will come someday. And it will be televised. And it will start at the right doorsteps. And at that time, we (especially Rivers people) would have overcome our timidity. And civility too. Time will tell. George Kerley is a social commentator from Rivers State, Nigeria. He lied that Kalabari Chiefs had his support after deceiving them to a meeting: RE: PURPORTED KALABARI SOLIDARITY VISIT TO GOVERNOR AMAECHI: KALABARI NOT IN SUPPORT OF GOVERNOR AMAECHI AGAINST THE PRESIDENT We, as concerned Chiefs, opinion leaders and Kalabari elders, on behalf of the overwhelming majority of Kalabari, and indeed all Rivers people, note with strong consternation and utter embarrassment the persisting penchance of few members of the Governor Rotimi Amaechi’s government in convening phantom meetings of ethnic groups and describing same as solidarity visits to the governor; and thereafter publishing pre-written communiques as having emerged from such stage-managed meetings. This pervading politics of deceit in Rivers State Government House was directed against Kalabari people on 11 June 2013, when protegees of governor Amaechi deceitfully invited Kalabari Chiefs and elders to meet with the governor and thereafter made several publications in the mass media to the effect that Kalabari Chiefs and people have declared unalloyed support for Governor Amaechi in his senseless fight against the presidency. We summarily and categorically state that it is not true that Kalabari Chiefs and elders paid a solidarity visit to Governor Amaechi on Tuesday, 11 June, 2013, and declared support for his administration or person against our dear Ijaw son President Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan, GCFR. Kalabari people had at no time decided to undertake such an adventure in solidarity with, or in support of Governor Amaechi concerning any issue involved in the feud with Mr. President. It is our considered position that what took place in Rivers State Government House was a cheap ambush and a show of shame by a handful of politically desperate people to belittle Kalabari while pursuing their myopic and selfish agenda. The truth was that the governor initiated the meeting and Kalabari Chiefs and people attended because they had thought that the governor wanted to discuss matters affecting Kalabari land but to their utter embarrassment protegees of the governor converted the meeting into a solidarity visit to the governor by Kalabari people. This open manipulation did not go well with the people at the meeting and the duly appointed representative of the Amayanabo of Kalabari HRH Chief Gbobo Disrael-Bobmanuel after due consultation with the Kalabari sons and daughters present at the meeting, discarded the so-called “solidarity speech” and instead thanked the governor for inviting them and offered that Kalabari-Ijaw people were ready and willing to mediate in the feud between Governor Amaechi and Mr. President. In his reply, Governor Amaechi was visibly unhappy with what he referred to as the noncommittal disposition of Kalabari people in the on-going crisis. The Governor showed no welcome for the suggestion of reconciliation and openly tried to incite the Kalabari people against his perceived federal enemies. The governor insisted that his travails were due to his fight for the restoration of Kalabari oil wells. We disagree with Amaechi on this deceitful claim that his political travails were as a result of his fight for the restoration of Kalabari oil wells. This to us is mere blackmail because the Kalabari oil wells did not remove the Chief G.U. Ake led PDP executives nor caused the conflicts in the Nigeria Governors’ Forum and grounded his jet plane on account of doubtful ownership. We consider it most dishonorable that in a political feud between Governor Amaechi and President Jonathan, the governor would ask Kalabari-Ijaw people to support him blindly against the President. May we ask, that with a yearly budget of over 400billion Naira in the past six years amounting to over N2.4 trillion, what meaningful projects has Governor Amaechi executed in Kalabari land despite its huge oil and gas resources for him to seek solidarity with Kalabari? We want to put it on record that the boundary crises between Kalabari and Nembe or between Rivers State and Bayelsa State started in the 19th century up to the last administration of Rivers State, which led to the suspension of the 12th edition map produced by the Federal Surveyor General and the revenue of the disputed oil wells paid into escrow account by the Government of President Olusegun Obasanjo. It has been an on- going issue which is only now being escalated by self-seeking politicians. Kalabari Chiefs, elders and leaders therefore refuse to be drawn into this imaginary display of support for Governor Amaechi. We rather call on the governor to stop his antagonist stance and support President Goodluck Jonathan. We believe that Rivers State is better placed with a South-South person as President rather than the Vice Presidential position. We therefore declare our unflinching support for President Goodluck Jonathan. POSTSCRIPT: 11 former loyal Amaechi lawmakers joined the 5 to make it 16 lawmakers who impeached the speaker (loyal to Amaechi). At that point, Chidi Lloyd rushed to fetch Gov Amaechi from govt house (his deputy gov was already there before him). Amaechi forgot protocol and supervised the brutalizing of those who ‘’worked against’’ his speaker. Bottomline: 16 people formed the quorum with 11 ‘’betraying’’ Amaechi’ The Rivers state chairman of the People’s Democratic Party, PDP, Hon Felix Amaechi Obuah has said that the party recognize Hon. Evans Bipi as the speaker of the Rivers State House of Assembly, noting that Rt. Hon. Oelemabama Amachree is no longer the speaker. He explained that it was unacceptable for only five lawmakers to impeach a speaker and elect a new in any normal circumstance, but noted that some of the lawmakers switched their positions and supported Bipi, but that the intervention of Amaechi disrupted the take over. “Why did the Governor suddenly appear in the House with all his security aides! Five people cannot impeach 27 legislators but I know that something happened. When the Governor came in to the House, those who voted Evans Bipi as a new speaker switched their loyalty immediately. Do you know how many millions must have gone in there!”, Obuah alleged. He added: “As far as Rivers state PDP is concerned, we recognize Rt. Hon. Evans Bipi as the new speaker of the Rivers state House of Assembly. Evans said that 16 out of the 32 lawmakers voted for him. This was the reason when the former leader of the House, Chidi Lloyd saw that they were losing, he ran to the Government House to tell the Governor. “Why did the Governor suddenly appear in the House with all his security aides! Five people cannot impeach 27 legislators but I know that something happened. When the Governor came in to the House, those who voted Evans Bipi as a new speaker switched their loyalty immediately. Do you know how many millions must have gone in there!”, Obuah alleged. Obuah also described as untrue the comment credited to Governor Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi that the state was under siege. The Governor had made the comment when the Senate Committee on State and Local Government Administration investigating the political crisis in the state House of Assembly visited him in Government House, Port Harcourt. Amaechi had said: “We are under siege here, for two months now, we have not met with security men. Security Commanders in the state don’t come to me any longer. They are either scared or they don’t deliberately want to see me. They had withdrawn soldiers attached to me yesterday. And this morning, they withdrew the APC attached to Government House,” Amaechi said. But the PDP chairman noted that the Governor’s comment was a deliberate attempt to tarnish the image of the Commissioner of Police, Mbu Joseph Mbu, who he declared as the best CP at this period. “As far as I am concerned, that is his (Amaechi’s) opinion. Everybody in the state is going about their normal duties without any molestation. That is a way of tarnishing the image of the Police in the state and we will not accept that,” he said. While describing the resolve of the House of Representatives to intervene in the running of the State Assembly, Obuah lauded the National the Senate for displaying maturity in its handling of the crisis. He said that the House of Representatives did not really investigate the matter before it took the decision, noting that he was sure that the Senate Committee on State and Local Government Administration, led by Senator Kabiru Gaya would do a good job. “Governor Amaechi is looking for a Police Commissioner that he will use to intimidate the opposition in the state. But the CP is a gentleman who does not want to tow the path of past Commissioners. His refusal to do the Governor’s will is why they are now calling for his removal”. He however prayed that the outcome of the committee should be such that would bring a lasting peace to the state because “all of us belong here and we all need peace for democracy to have its root deepened into the political system of the state and not rancor and bitterness”. Meanwhile, the minister of State for Education, M. Nyeson Wike has faulted the comment credited to Nobel Laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka that First Lady, Patience Jonathan is behind the crisis that has engulfed the state. Wike, who stated this when he went to the hospital to visit Hon. Micheal Chinda, the lawmaker representing Obio/Akpor Constituency II in the state Assembly, said it was wrong for Soyinka to make such comment, noting that it was capable of escalating the crisis. “How can Prof. Wole Soyinka make such comment,” he said, urging the police to investigate the matter. “Governor Amaechi has totally lost control of the state, which is why he went to the Assembly to disrupt proceedings in the House. You don’t need a soothsayer to tell you that he is no longer in control of the state,” he said#copied#
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 08:30:16 +0000

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