The Arrogance of Obama: Registered to Vote as Barry Soetoro at - TopicsExpress


The Arrogance of Obama: Registered to Vote as Barry Soetoro at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Filed under Barack Obama 3 comments Share on delicious Share on stumbleupon Share on email Share on print Share on raiseyourvoice Act Now! 8 ‘BARRY SOETORO’ A REGISTERED DC VOTER HOME ADDRESS: 1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. barry soetoro - dc voter - obama registered democrat - white house DEMAND PROOF POSITIVE NOW! However unlikely it is that even the most arrogant man in America, Barack Hussein Obama, would be so brazen as to register to vote under his Indonesian name – Barry Soetoro – and use the White House address, PJ Media’s search of the D.C. Board of Election records and this astonishing result underscores the potential for FRAUD and the ease with which someone can trick the system. It is part and parcel with the still existing LOOPHOLE in Hawaii’s birth certificate issuing system which allows foreigners to claim a birth in Hawaii to get the golden ticket to U.S. citizenship – just as it was when young Barry was born. With THREE MORE YEARS of Obama looming, Congress must be compelled to demand PROOF POSITIVE! HELP SHERIFF JOE MAKE HIS CASE IN COURT AND ON CAPITOL HILL SELECT HERE TO DEMAND CONGRESSIONAL AND STATE SUPPORT FOR PROOF POSITIVE – INSIST OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS DO THEIR DUTY! As WND reported in 2008, “Barry Soetoro” was the name used to register young Barack Obama (then using the adopted name of his Indonesian stepfather) in primary school in Jakarta, Indonesia. The official “early years” story is that Obama’s American mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, separated from her first husband, Barack Obama Sr., in 1963 when Barry junior was just two years old before getting divorced altogether. Dunham then married Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian, and moved to Indonesia sometime between 1966 and 1967 with little Soetoro-Obama in tow. This is confirmed by the school registration card listing Barry as a MUSLIM Indonesian citizen born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on Aug. 4, 1961. When he was 10 years old, Barry Soetoro would move to Hawaii to live with his maternal grandparents. With the loophole in Hawaii’s birth certificate verification, with the DUAL U.S.-Indonesian citizenship and WITH MISSING Kenya-to-U.S. flight records from the week of Obama’s birth, AMERICA NEEDS MORE PROOF THAT BARACK OBAMA SOETORO OBAMA IS IN FACT ELIGIBLE TO HOLD THE OVAL OFFICE! As Sheriff Joe and the Cold Case Posse have repeatedly reminded us, after an on-going investigation for more than TWO YEARS now, they still cannot confirm nor deny Barack Obama’s place of birth and thus “natural born” citizenship! Despite the facts, the piles of evidence begging for a day in court and Congressional ACTION, our fight at Proof Positive has been long and arduous – but that might all be about to change… Cold Case Posse lead detective Mike Zullo says Congress is interested and asking for MORE information about the document posted on the White House website in April 2011 and declared to much fanfare to be the bona fide birth certificate for Barack Obama. This is the same document that contains anomalies UNEXPLAINABLE by anything less than piecemeal fabrication rather than simply being scanned and uploaded from a genuine original document, which has yet to be produced by ANYONE. “Mr. Obama has in fact not offered any verifiable authoritative document of any legal significance or possessing any evidentiary value as to the origins of his purported birth narrative or location of the birth event,” Zullo reminds us. “One of our most serious concerns is that the White House document appears to have been fabricated piecemeal on a computer, constructed by drawing together digitized data from several unknown sources.” Now we have more details from the certified document analyst who has worked for Obama’s eligibility DEFENSE lawyers and what was in his 40 page reported submitted by Sheriff Joe and the Cold Case Posse in the Alabama Supreme Court eligibility fight. Grace Vuoto of the World Tribune reported that certified document analyst Reed Hayes, who has served as an expert for Perkins Coie, the law firm that has been defending Obama in eligibility cases, is now among the experts challenging the birth certificate. The Tribune reported Hayes agreed to take a look at the documentation and called almost immediately. “There is something wrong with this,” Hayes had said. Hayes then produced a 40-page report in which he says “based on my observations and findings, it is clear that the Certificate of Live Birth I examined is not a scan of an original paper birth certificate, but a digitally manufactured document created by utilizing material from various sources.” “In over 20 years of examining documentation of various types, I have never seen a document that is so seriously questionable in so many respects. In my opinion, the birth certificate is entirely fabricated,” he says in his report. “We have obtained an affidavit from a certified document analyzer, Reed Hayes, that states the document is a 100 percent forgery, no doubt about it,” Zullo told the Tribune. “Mr. Obama’s operatives cannot discredit [Hayes],” Zullo said. “Mr. Hayes has been used as the firm’s reliable expert. The very firm the president is using to defend him on the birth certificate case has used Mr. Hayes in their cases.” During his interview with World Tribune, Detective Zullo narrated his encounter with Hawaii Deputy Attorney General Jill Nagamine, who has steadfastly refused to confirm whether the White House PDF matches the document that should be in the archives: “If you make a copy of your driver’s license and alter it, is it still a copy?” Zullo asked Nagamine. She dodged, replying: “But you still have a driver’s license.” This incident “sent all the alarm bells ringing,” said Lt. Zullo. As Zullo noted in his interview with WND, the re-creation of an official document or the creation of an “official” document is a crime in and of itself.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 11:56:31 +0000

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