The Assembly Aging and Long-Term Care Committee today unanimously - TopicsExpress


The Assembly Aging and Long-Term Care Committee today unanimously passed legislation authored by Assemblyman Eric Linder, R-Corona, to ensure that vital services to senior citizens would not be interrupted in a state budget delay. “Our seniors should never be collateral damage when Sacramento cannot produce a timely budget,” said Linder. “I applaud my colleagues for recognizing that my legislation simply ensures that seniors will receive the services they need during any budget delay.” Linder’s Assembly Bill 1534 would allow the state to distribute federal funds for services for the elderly and those with disabilities when the state budget is not passed by the June 15th constitutional deadline. It would specifically provide the funding to the California Department of Aging, the Area Agencies on Aging and the California Department of Rehabilitation during any delay. In prior years, the failure to pass an on-time budget forced the state to temporarily withhold funds – even federal tax dollars – for many state services, as California lacked the legal authority to make necessary funding available. As a result, local agency staff was forced to work without pay or even take out personal loans to maintain services to seniors. “Innocent people should never again pay the price for the Capitol’s budget gridlock,” said Linder. “While the threat of a budget delay may vary each year, the possibility still unfortunately exists. By enacting my legislation into law, we will forever close that door of uncertainty and give seniors the peace-of-mind they deserve.” AB 1534 now moves to the Assembly Appropriations Committee for its consideration.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 05:35:44 +0000

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