The Bible did teach an eye for an eye & a tooth for a tooth but - TopicsExpress


The Bible did teach an eye for an eye & a tooth for a tooth but when Jesus came he taught: On the contrary, if anyone slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. Seeing as you mention the Bible, there is not a single instance of Jesus commanding his followers to be violent and there is not a single instance of him being violent. So never can a Christian justify violence based on the teachings or actions of Jesus. Any Muslm should understand abrogation - when two verses conflict, the later cancels out the earlier verse. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has several degrees in Islamic studies, evidently he does have an understanding of Quran. Putting hadith to one side (because they are not divine), one can order the Quran chronologically and trace the events of Muhammads life from when his mission commenced to when he died. He started out as a preacher in Mecca gaining only a number of converts. After the hirja, he became more of a political\military leader, his numbers grew and some of his commands became violent. So it would be the later commands which abrogate the earlier more peaceful ones. If one turns to the Hadith to understand the context, there are countless examples of looting, slavery, violence & murder. Based on this, it is evident that ISIS can justify most of their actions. Once a caliphate has been established, Jihad can be become offensive (rather than just a defensive action when there is no caliphate) and the task is to bring the entire world under subjugation - the whole Earth has been declared a mosque which requires purging of impurities. So if you are saying what they are doing is wrong (which obviously it is), you have to justify that based on the Quran - you dont need a degree to understand Islam and God isnt the author of confusion. The Quran is shorter than the New Testament and one has to wonder, if the Quran is a complete revelation on all matters, why one has to turn the Hadith to find answers. What is worrying is how little many Muslims understand about Islam and history. I dont doubt there is foul play on behalf of the west with the involvement of ISIS (there always is), however what about al-Shabaab, Boko Haram, Ansar al-Sharia, Ansar al-Islam...the list of so called extremists goes on & on. If the actions of ISIS dont prompt you to ask more questions and study Islam, nothing will. You dont need to be an imaam to understand Islam!
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 09:47:59 +0000

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