The Bureau of Indian Affairs please read, we are aware, you were - TopicsExpress


The Bureau of Indian Affairs please read, we are aware, you were at the Untied Nations, and made a clear statement that you do not want the indigenous voice to be heard. and this is our reply. August 28, 2014 Jurisdiction Writ of Habeas Corpus,Writs of certiorari, A writ of mandamus Desertion of office duty,Land Theft, Genocide,Collusion,Treason,Extortion: Grand theft: Misuse of Federal Funds,Premeditated murder. To: Madam Chair Lady Dalee Sambo Dorough, Ambassador Mbarek Afekouh and Amb Dr-Haissam Bou Said IV, IHRC within the UNITED NATION and World leaders. In May 2014 Madam Chair Lady Dalee Sambo Dorough,of the United Nations New York, expressed all Indigenous have a right to be educated and learn, The oath which all commanding officers of UN deployments must take: I solemnly affirm to exercise in all loyalty, discretion and conscience the functions entrusted to me as a member of the international service of the United Nations, to discharge those functions and regulate my conduct with the interest of the United Nations only in view, and not to seek or accept instructions in respect to the performance of my duties from any government or other authority external to the organization. A oath in which I like to think is upheld. ( Tetuwans are not A Organization, or A government ). We are the Original Monarchy to the Land, We are recognized by the United Nation in 2001 as 2nd in the World, an the descendant of the Wounded Knee Massacre 1890 are willfully acknowledged Worldwide, and known for the Wounded Knee Massacre 1890 and Little Bighorn for killing Custer the first American United States Of America General for the Cavalry. Freely Recognized by both United States Government, and Indigenous people world wide. To be very clear, i am Original Monarchy to the land and descendant of the Little bighorn and WOUNDED KNEE MASSACRE 1890, WORLD WAR 1 AND 2,, i am NOT, a corporation or a entity, I have proven my family genealogy and the treaty for my people or myself as a Tetuwan Lakota Oyate as well as the First Tetuwan Treaty as being the TREATY OF THE MOROCCO it is of PEACE,FRIENDSHIP AND TRADE before any European Treaty arrived. ( I trust, your oath ,is as good as you word) DEPARTMENT OF BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS willfully did not obey to their onerous fiduciary duty, under Treaty agreements of the United States Government and oath to serve and protect. “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” In May 2014 Madam Chair Lady Dalee Sambo Dorough,of the United Nations New York, you have asked me to asked Montana Native American Indian Lawyer to help me, but, I found this a conflict of Interest.So, I turned to Facebook where Justice in the eyes of the World can no longer be a secret. with well over 5,000 people on one page and anthor page over 1,500 World Leaders on anthor page Ambassador Mbarek Afekouh and Ambassador Dr-Haissam Bou Said IV, IHRC, Giulio Fariseo, Ambassador-PeaceAgha Tarek Khan,Shefki Hysa,Francesco Paolo Scarciolla del Gavatino di Torre Spagnola.Ambassador-Shahid Amin Khan there is nothing,I say, going unsaid or in private.and a radio station with close to a million listeners worldwide. We ask the Permanent Forum to study the relationship between corruption and self-determination of constitutional and customary governments of original nations representing Indigenous Peoples. As the PFII study on the southwestern hemisphere concluded, political participation is the key to human rights and democracy There shall be no plagiarism in all documents. and (YES) vendettas or retaliation, it is main reason the real native of the land, Never becomes a president inside of the DE FACTO UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. or subcorperation called DEPARTMENT OF BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS fail to investigate and want the Indigenous voice silence at the United Nation Level. With the United States of America bankrupt in 1933, who are the DEPARTMENT OF BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS to be telling Indigenous people when they can be or should not be heard inside the UNITED NATIONS in NEW YORK. as it is Irrational, because it is coming from a non Governmental Nation, as it stands,and as we are seeing it, the 1933 Bankrupt UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DE FACTO GOVERNMENT-is Neal and Vito and should NOT have a seat with the United Nations. under the Contract responsibility system, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DE FACTO GOVERNMENT fail to obey Laws given by the UNITED NATIONS in Switzerland. not once or twice, but 228 recommendations coming from the United Nations, in GENEVA SWITZERLAND on November 22,2010 from 56 countries.and DEPARTMENT OF BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS and all office are Under Contract of Treaty agreements, threw the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DE FACTO GOVERNMENT The New World War: Creation of Black Ink on White Paper Governments - Creation of Black ink on White Paper Corporations Creations of Black ink on White Paper Such as The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), - United States of America Washing D.c Organizations - Creations of Black ink on White Paper Whereas: Today it is the KXL Pipeline,Horse slaughter, selling of contaminated meat, National and International, Sold Treaties in Washington D.C, Embezzlement of $500 Billion in Montana , $2.64 Billion On the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in State of South Dakota, gone un- investigated, 18 Unratified Treaties In California,Indigenous, People paying rent on Condemned homes, U 344 and N 344 are before the Land Buy Back Program or Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Lawsuit even to this day, some of this money has not reached the Sovereignty Immunity beneficiarys.The sales of Treaties from the Library of Congress in Washington D.c. Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)---- So why all the fraud when their own mission states say this . The Bureau of Indian Affairs’ mission is to enhance the quality of life, to promote economic opportunity, and to carry out the responsibility to protect and improve the trust assets of American Indians, Indian tribes and Alaska Natives. The uninvestigated death of David L Henry,, whom had roughly ten years of experience in dealing with the Bureau of Indian Affairs. An Federal Employee for the Crow Reservation and whisle blower.The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), a part of the Department of the Interior, has stolen billions of dollars from various Indian tribes.Instead, with overt lack of respect and BIAs Bill Benjamins sentiment that its just Indian money... it doesnt matter, the BIA is indicative of the governments own racist attitudes against Native peoples.Its in 11/28/94 issue, U.S. News & World Report described the BIA as the worst federal agency. Little was done. David L Henry, found fraud in every one of the several BIA financial systems he examined, and what can only be seen as criminal neglect in BIA accounting and auditing in general. The loss to Indians from fraud, and the liability to taxpayers to replace missing money in BIA trust accounts is more than a billion dollars. An estimated $5.8 billion has not been collected (since 1979) from companies that pump oil and gas from reservation lands, thus robbing Indians The basic idea behind sovereign immunity is that property held by the government (including assets in the public treasury) is in trust for all the citizens of that particular government. The public treasury and public property are, therefore, to be used for the benefit of all the citizens equally--not jut a few individuals (such as the people who file lawsuits). And, while many state supreme courts have eliminated the doctrine of sovereign immunity, the federal government has not. This means that the BIA has no liability and can not be taken to court -- no matter how much money is part of unreconciled transactions. WYOMING, with about half earmarked for education, got $204,000,000; NEW MEXICO, all for public school funds, got $ 131,935,000; CALIFORNIA, crediting the State School Fund at $ 49,000,000; COLORADO, paying it mostly to counties for education, got $47,049,000; UTAH, more than half going to higher education, got $32,084,000; MONTANA, putting 62.5% of royalties into education, got $22,295,000; ALASKA, paying royalties into the general fund, received $20,906,000; NORTH DAKOTA, paying royalties into education and highways, received $10,464,000 that year. Lost American Indian Income, and unpaid ROYALTIES OF GAS, OIL, and Mineral rights. Although revenues for any individual Indian from oil are quite small, they constitute a desperately needed source of income to Indian citizens with an unemployment level which averages 25 percent and reaches 85 percent in some areas. Cass Peterson broke the story Indians Are Being Denied Millions in Oil, Gas Royalties on May 25, 1985. She detailed a situation that affects more than 250,000 Indians or tribal governments, (out of about 1.5 million Indian U.S. citizens). Mike Synar (D-OK), said If its not a scandal, its one of the worst cases of mismanagement Ive ever come across. dickshovel/rogue.html WASHINGTON POST,12/26/85 Article 1 sec 9: ..This Washington Dc Newpaper had a articicle titled Federal account find huge losses. How ever under oath, yes they do, I am requesting to seize all office of the The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA ) for failing to obey treaty laws,Supremacy Clause, Law of the land. Article Six of the United States Constitution This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. The United States of America De Facto have no LAWS and their STATUTES are copy written, fraud in the highest,most definitely, Corporations have No SOVEREIGNTY, as they are and have been living off the meneratial rights of the indigenous peoples lands, United States of America first Bankruptcy, the first following the Revolutionary War: Remember a bankrupt Nation is no longer sovereign.Such as the United States of America, This Corporation of the (1779) a French Corporation was established by what 3-entities? Now Foreign to us? Correct? Can you say Corporate Policy rather than law and statute AKA Fraud? Resolution #80-4 of the Tetuwan Treaty Fort Laramie 1841-1851-1868 As for the The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA ) Corporations have NO say, Resolution #80-4 of the Tetuwan Treaty Fort Laramie 1841-1851-1868 - on 07-22-2014 UN Human Rights Council adopts resolution on Gaza and the Occupied Palestinian Territory, with 29 votes in favour, 1 against, and 17 abstentions. ONLY the American wealthy. 28 U.S.C. § 3002 Definitions 15) United States Means: A) A Federal Corporation B) An Agency, Department, Commission, Board, Or C) An Instrumentality of the United States. BLACKS LAW 3rd Edition; IE The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. - 28 U.S.C. @ 3002 Definitions (15) (A) (B) (C); Conflict of Interest. They are payed for their Ideas, NOT to be defrauding the Indigenous or the People of the World. 2/14/10- 2011-2013- and counting coup. You have received many recommendations and detailed reports. This supports the statements citing US discrimination against Indigenous Peoples and recommending review of US treaty obligations, without racial discrimination. Pine Ridge needs propane ($120-180/month per small family winter 2013), wood, lower food prices as a box of noodle’s cost around $4.00 in the city and $12.00 in Pine Ridge. Though there are many homeless due to the European defrauding of rightful Lakota residents, there is no homeless shelter at all in Pine Ridge. So we need blankets, sleeping bags, pillows, clothes-mainly hats, gloves, jackets and winter shoes, pants, year around help, not just 1 per year but every year because we do not have true economic independence to provide for ourselves traditionally. So we need deposits to electric company for no income or Low income families every year without delay. We need insulation for the houses to cover windows and doors and stoves. We need roads to be fixed for people on dialysis and older people out in remote areas. The US makes sure the trains run but don’t care about the People of the land the trains run through, because the trains are built and owned by the Europeans who claimed our land based on their myth of European superiority. We need materials to: Remodel vacant houses for homeless families, roads need to be fixed so we can take care of ourselves, water and sewer need to be installed into homes, ramps for people in wheelchairs, handicapped accessible bathrooms in homes and stores, create safe haven for children in need, FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) trailers need to be given to families in need and not sold, emergency 4x4 and snowmobiles are needed for the people in remote areas, laundry facilities, more Professional health care doctors on site, financial aid for sick people for traveling, veterans and families need to be taken care of. To sum things up the whole reservations need brand new homes, water pipes, gas lines and better heating inside, lower food prices, food (meats) not contaminated. The Bureau of Indian Affair (BIA) money can be used toward helping the Indigenous Peoples rather than trying eliminate the people. All other Native Indian reservations and unrecognized tribes live in similar conditions and need help. On the behalf of the Natives American Indians who have died, and people like David L Hernry, There voice will be heard.even after they are long gone, and sale of Treaties or Land Theft and neglected of otha and office indigenous trust between the Onerous Fiduciary benefactor and Sovereignty Immunity beneficiary, The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA ) Show me the Allodial titles to the land? or the bill of sale in which the Land was sold, SIGNED BY GOD,by September 1,2014, or show $ 630 Billion per Treaty neglected, Tetuwan Treaty Fort Laramie 1841-1851-1868 to be divided 7 ways to the Tribal members, not Tribal office employees of the Oglala Sioux Tribes (Civil Rights) 42 U.S.C. 1963 and Bad Man Claus 1841-1851-1868 Fort Laramie and,Seize-The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA ) -Oceti Sakowin the name for the seven sub Nations of the Great Lakota Sioux Nation Badman Claus FORT LARAMIE TREATY - 1868 ARTICLE 1. From this day forward all war between the parties to this agreement shall forever cease. The Government of the United States desires peace, and its honor is hereby pledged to keep it. The Indians desire peace, and they now pledge their honor to maintain it. Remember a Bankrupt Nation is NO, longer sovereign. Proof is herein demanded of this INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE whereby proof the document entitled “The Constitution Of the United States of America”, the U.S. Constitution, al et al, was lawfully copy written into International Law under the “BANKRUPTCY ACT OF 1933. Failure of this document to be copy written into International Law stands as proof of collusion to overthrow the lawful government of we the people by the following entities: 1) Federal Employees and Branches of Government, League of Nations, United Nations, British Government, Vatican, International Bankers: a) Office of President b) Congress c) Judicial Branches established within this lawful document. Furthermore: whereas it is only through this “Constitution” that any lawful agency, department, offices is established the omission of said “Constitution” to be copy written into International Law means no lawfully established “offices”, “agencies”, departments of government were ever lawfully turned over to the receivers of the Bankruptcy as it is only through this “Constitution” said offices exist and the Bankruptcy Act is Fraud in the Inducement, null and void, abinitio. The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA )stop encroaching on other people{Mohawk land, or all lands} treaties or human rights,within the United Nations, this is a form of espionage, or is it a act of abuse within the United Nation As Marshall LAW, Legal maximum: no law can create harm BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY Eighth Ed. Also, legal maximum “no one can forfeit another persons rights.” and no office out to be injurious to no one. Is the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA ) practicing the Gold Standards Act EXECUTIVE 6102 first by suspended the constitution within the United Nations and then use WAR Power Act. As Marshall LAW? NYCO Minerals stop Encroachment on Native American Indian Lands NYCO Minerals does not even have concerns for Treaty at all, But seek state permits. Seize-NYCO Minerals, New York is rename but Orginal fathers are of the Tonawanda Band of Senecas,Cattaraugus Reservation (Seneca),Seneca Nation of Indians, Allegany Reservation,Oil Springs Reservation (Seneca),Cayuga Nation,Onondaga Nation,Oneida Indian Nation ,St. Regis Mohawk Tribe (Akwesasne)Tuscarora Nation Shinnecock Reservation, state (not federally) recognized, Poospatuck Reservation, Unkechauga Nation Seize-NYCO Minerals, New York is rename, from these Orginal fathers are of the Tonawanda Band of Senecas,Cattaraugus Reservation (Seneca),Seneca Nation of Indians, Allegany Reservation,Oil Springs Reservation (Seneca),Cayuga Nation,Onondaga Nation,Oneida Indian Nation of New York,St. Regis Mohawk Tribe (Akwesasne)Tuscarora Nation,Shinnecock Reservation, state (not federally) recognized, Poospatuck Reservation, Unkechauga Nation,The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA ) where are you now to help the Indians? A United Nations whistle-blower who prevailed in a landmark case that exposed evidence of retribution against internal criticism, but who was awarded only a tiny fraction of his claimed financial losses, sought help from Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday, asking him to withhold 15 percent of the American government’s United Nations budget allocation. I dont see much for confidence as they havent exemplified any leadership qualities that I can recall, nothing moral or ethical about the Bureau of Indian Affairs except to Extinguish the Native American Indian population and the sale of Treaties for as little as $38,00 .thy shall be look at as Genocide and Poverty and the de facto United States of America,D.C Government, laws on black ink on white paper. This is not just on our land, but Indigenous world wide and the Federal Bureau of Indian affairs or better yet, e Executive Director of the State of Nevada Indian Commission, going place like China for what, when the Federal Bureau of Indian affairs nor does the Indian Commission does not even help our own people on this land, or support our rights. We do not need a de facto 4 time Bankrupt conspiracy program running loose world wide. Department of Defense funded DARPA scientist working on the vaccine says, Has anybody ever seen the movie contagion? Thats the answer! Create a better virus. And oh how the crowd laugh But that is not it, read the following and watch the video This is premeditated murder Dr. Charles ARNTZEN, DARPA Scientist working on Ebola GMO, Working on Govt Ebola Drug Joked About Culling Population with GMO Virus. or the fallowing video as back up, This video, just blew my mind, How freaking Coincidencidental, or is it a epidemics break out of virus man made by scientist to kill the 3rd World population?? youtube/watch?v=lJzcDwZD16Q#t=583 . TKM-Ebola project had been put on hold in July. However, now on August 7 , it has been reported that the FDA has placed the project on “partial hold”. , nowtheendbegins/blog/?p=24084 by NTEB Health and Wellness Editor Stephanie A. Buist, ND HC, This video has since, been removed in a few short days, 8- 11- 2014, thru 8- 13- 2014, within, 3 day of releases. Is removed off youtube, In my opinion, Obviously there is some truth, in true.This leads me to believe, In my opinion,The U.S. de facto government are gangsters committing organized crimes, genocide, and population control. Public funds: obstructed justice: fraud by trickery: RICO 1951 - 1961 The US refuses to enter into peace negotiations with the Original Indigenous Nations/Peoples, Theses Impostures needs to multilateral dialogue with other UN Members/ Ambassador,Repertoire and Based on extensive review of the deliberations of the Council. I am seeking $ 630 Billion per treaty neglected, per office of The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA )-NYCO Minerals,Department of Defense funded DARPA scientist ,All of the De facto United States of America, Tetuwan Treaty Fort Laramie 1841-1851-1868-Personal time, and Investigation time $ 251,000,00 per day Starting August, 10, 2014. As a matter to the contrary , There will be no more hidden agendas. Respectively Submitted: Joann Spotted Bear- Mato Gleska ___________________________________________ Date_______________ Joann Spotted Bear-Mato Gleska Weyan- of the Original Sovereignty Immunity beneficiary, Tetuwan Treaty Representative U3442550 always in support of National and International Laws of the Land, United Nations ESOSOC Diplomatic Immunity number 351311, MAY 23,2014$ 630 Billion per Treaty neglected.of the Tetuwan Treaty Fort Laramie 1841-1851-1868-Personal time, and Investigation time $ 251,000,00 per day TREATY MEMBER consent is value forward as value accepted: Bad Man Removed Disclaimer: I, Joan Spotted Bear, AKA: Mato Gleska weyen; Director: A.R.R. , Tetuwan Lakota Oyate Nation: P.O.W. 344 AKA Reservation; reserve the right to amend or make further corrections to this document: Without prejudice as further information becomes available. Furthermore: I do not agree to any civil penalty nor criminal penalties as my investigations into the facts/evidence was given me without any force, duress and or threats. P. O. Box 20306 Reno, NV 89515 775-622-1271
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 04:17:18 +0000

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