The City of Nanaimo seems to believe they can change the rules - TopicsExpress


The City of Nanaimo seems to believe they can change the rules regarding wetlands and waterways, at least for themselves or developers. It is not okay, the rape that is going on at Nelson Woods and Oliver Woods Wetlands right now,, there is a City sign, proclaiming how wetlands must be protected and right beside it, they have removed a huge swath of forest next to the water,, what is going on ,,,,, read below and feel free to share, a residents letter to the CIty,,, it says it allMayor Ruttan and City Council and Staff March 25th, 2014 I am thoroughly disgusted at the clearcutting going on in the woods at Turner Road at Uplands Drive. The clearcutting is being done this week in a mature Douglas Fir Western Red Cedar forest and prime nesting bird habitat ,and right up to the edge of a significant body of water behind the Oliver Woods recreation center. Just the day prior to the clearcutting, I was enjoying the woods on a walk in the area and went down to the dock on the pond by the rec center, where I have seen hairy and downy woodpeckers, pileated woodpeckers, a Great Blue Heron, wood ducks and what looked like a Turkey Vulture as well as the more common mallard ducks and Canada geese. I heard Northern flickers and hummingbirds as well, probably an Allens as they overwinter in the north end close to water. I know these creatures and the plants in the area well, they are ones I studied while obtaining my B.Sc. degree in biology from UVIC. Today the logging has cleared right up to a blue interpretive sign along the recreation center path, and there is nothing to observe anymore from this spot anymore but stumps and logging debris. Logging up to the banks of the pond behind the recreation center has not respected the 15 m setback required by environmental law. At the corner of Nelson and Turner, logging has continued within 2 m of Molecy Creek, and is visible from the sidewalk. This is also an example of disrespect of the 15 meter riparian setback required. The area looks like it has been raped, and I feel personally violated. I am ashamed that the children who previously enjoyed this area (many moms come up from the south end to this park with their children) have to see the destruction of a once beautiful area, for the greedy developers and city officials only interested in filling their coffers with tax money. Those children will never be able to delight in those woods and pond again - the woods and many birds are gone, the land to be paved and built on, the pond left to recover without its shady banks (the lungs of the environment). What landscaping might occur around the future development for the area will severely limit the children’s “contact with nature” experiences, as the trees chosen for landscaping will be overstocked non-native ornamental cultivars from some distant wholesale garden center, and be varieties chosen for their industrial tolerance and non-messy characteristics (as to not attract insects or leave sap on cars) and therefore will not be bird friendly. Maybe their great great grandchildren will see trees there as big as the Douglas Firs and Western Red Cedars cut down yesterday, but only if they are replanted immediately. I do not want more ball fields masquerading as parks like Harry Wipper Park. I would prefer a wooded watershed area to enjoy within walking distance of my home. Ravines called parks, such as Rutherford Park and Sealand Park, had nothing on those beautiful woods and pond behind the rec center. I would definitely like the Nanaimo city planners to have the same vision as other communities like Victoria, View Royal and Esquimalt. Mayor Ruttan, city Council, planners and staff should do their jobs and respect their own watercourse bylaw. It can be viewed, in laymans language, at: And we wonder why tourists are not interested in visiting Nanaimo. Give them something they (and Nanaimo residents) want to see – preserve our forests and wetlands and the creatures that inhabit them! Moira Timmons
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 15:25:42 +0000

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