The Coming Reward Today brings an end to our consideration of - TopicsExpress


The Coming Reward Today brings an end to our consideration of The Seven Cs of Soul Winning. The final C is the coming reward. Let me quote to you from Daniel 12:3, which says, Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever. There is a coming reward for those who turn people to righteousness. The dearest thing to Gods heart is winning humanity and bringing them into His family. Nothing is more important to God. He bankrupted heaven and gave His only begotten Son to save humanity. The Bible teaches us that there will be a reward, my friend: authority in heaven, a place in heaven, honor in heaven. In addition to that, I want to hear, Well done, good and faithful servant. Someday there is going to be a joy and a fullness in heaven, but there are some who will not experience that level of joy. The story is told that Cyrus, the king of Persia who had defeated Babylon and set the captive Jews at liberty, was walking through his garden one day with a visitor. The visitor was looking at all of the beautiful trees and shrubs and exclaimed how much pleasure the garden was giving him. Cyrus said, Not nearly the pleasure it gives to me for, you see, I have planted every one of these trees myself. I think there is going to be something about being in heaven and seeing your fingerprints on people who are there because you shared, because you gave, and because you prayed. I believe there is going to be a greater joy for some because they did more for heaven while on earth than others. There is a coming reward!
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 20:10:51 +0000

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