The Conversation: A Facebook Fairy Tale Romance While many of - TopicsExpress


The Conversation: A Facebook Fairy Tale Romance While many of you were attending the “Turning 60” parties last weekend, there was another sort of reunion occurring in the Nevada desert a few hundred miles from Santa Monica. Regular readers of this space may recall a series of posts in early June where several of us confessed to having high school crushes on other classmates -- forty-three years after the fact. This is the story of one of them between me and one Miss Holly Jean Hult. It will be difficult to capture the essence of the tale in a few words. It could take a book. Literally. It already has, as she and I have exchanged no less than 20,500 text messages, and more than 100 hours of phone calls – nearly all via Facebook Messenger. Last weekend, she flew into Las Vegas and we spent five days and nights together, most of that in my humble 3-bdr, 2-bath double-wide mobile home near the southern end of the strip, off Tropicana. Many of you know that I was in the band, and Holly was a majorette. So it is fitting that after all these years we would reconnect and rekindle something we both had put into the memory chest only to discover the flames had not been extinguished. Not by a long shot. I won’t go into details right now; there will be a Q&A later. All I can say without giving up too much too soon is that I gave her a St. Christopher’s Medal and pinned her with the small badge that once held up my sash my Drum Major uniform. So, it’s official, and let be it known, we are going steady. Maybe even a bit more. She is still so incredibly beautiful. And there is so much more of me to love! This picture was taken in very dark conditions aboard the High Roller, a new Vegas attraction and the tallest observation wheel in the world. Thanks, Facebook. I owe you one. And thanks to Beatrice, Robin, Steph, Richard and others for without all of you, this would not have happened as it did.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 22:25:10 +0000

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