The Country : UGANDA * must move forward and not backward• - TopicsExpress


The Country : UGANDA * must move forward and not backward• ••••• UGANDA A CHANGED COUNTRY You know Kony war took long and too no Ugandan would wish to hear Kony my brother but you should have noted past mistakes started right at independence but U g a n d a n s then call it “Fell into things and felt it was all bed of roses ” > The first Leaders made a fundamental mistake at the independence a wise African Leader like President Museveni could not because you cannot take an Army partisan as it was as a going concern my brother • Imagine a partisan army being used to subjugate Ugandans then you take it on as a going concern ?? Then you should have expected messes only because it was a colonial army lest you share their assets and liabilities •This Army had saved them from 1900 and kept on up to 1985 a mixed stew with liabilities and assets to share that was wrong !!! Fundamentaly that was an error number one !! Obote I had manipulated it against it the first President creating a lot of suffering and mess in the country • >He used it against Ssekabaka Muteesa II and then former President Late Amin used it against him then he moved with some to use them against Amin again enherited those of Late Amin what a period of 85 years actually it was a big headache to HE President Museveni to propel his Army through all those Juntas in the North • Since I cannot describe the mess Uganda was in definately devide and rule of Colonial powers aftermath was at work• >He never took that direction but chose to remove the Juntas all left with guns in the North all those years and worse still sought sponsorship from Khartoum where all blacks had in the Sudan been ampudated by land mine and many in Uganda since early sixties •This was a situation for very serious leaders who had Africa at heart •The President through all that terrain from Teso up to South Sudan had to face the situation squarely blow by blow solved the situation• >That was a very sensitive war like treating a boil by a doctor and some body does not want to show you where the boil is • Bwaba Mwana Muto omwambula nolaba ekizimba wekili naye bwaba omukulu wandisanga alina kumukwata empola nolyoka omumiga ekizimba amasira negavamu nawona• Meaning if some body tells you he has or she has a boil it may require to squeeze it and remove the purse but there are two people here a child of course you would remove the clothes and see exactly where the boil is but as for an old person its a different story you my have to use patience and convincing words to do it but definately can you use force• By insisting the colonial power to get the soldiers from one area mess after mess these soldiers ran to their homes with guns and other miltary hard ware including an armory in Karamoja which was left by running Amins Soldiers from Sabasaba from UNLF• >The President had even to camp in Gulu to engage elders and religious leaders other wise few people were willing to reveal their people including to try to put people in different people remember that was not easy • >Colonial powers therefore left so many problems including boundries that why you see Hon Muddy Awori was in Kenya while Hon Awori former Minister of Communication was in Busia in Uganda • Kony moved every where using that terrain and doing all sorts of things so horrendous but even peace talks did not do •UPDF can never make a repeat of that today the Army comes from each districts so you can not bring that passed one where Soldiers were unrully and could do away with it • Due to all this HE President Museveni engaged every body and listened to what ever would be possible to separate Wanainchi who were interwoven with civilians from all these years bringing people to all suffering it had•That is why UPDF after working and straining up all that mess the country was left in and Ugandans have started to work now you talk of distorting Ugandans who are settling to work• >People after all this suffering its hardly now eight years and for our Sudan blacks its least to say 2011•East Africa needed its and wants its peace and fruits of what has been done by this great compartriot HE Yoweri Kaguta Museveni a revered leader Africa has hard a man of inguinity•He is full of wisdom and fought for freedom of his people and no price can pay •UPDF has nothing other than Sacrificing this long and does not in any way want its people suffering • Just getting the issue from hinge you wont be a problem solver•Get these gallant UPDF to explain how it has been up to this success•No Ugandan is gaining from crops and animals but have freed people from rustlers and Kony a Complexity and enegma a man now in CAR being tracked • So its painful some of you who talk of sugar coating serious leaders doing their noble oligations •Its out right acheivements you see for your self and not only Faisal can tell you this •Many can give you smilar explanations simply because they are plain truth •
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 17:17:56 +0000

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