The Courtyard of Eyup Mosque (Eyup -Istanbul) where the Grave of - TopicsExpress


The Courtyard of Eyup Mosque (Eyup -Istanbul) where the Grave of the companion of Prophet MuHammaD, peace and blessings be upon him is buried called Abu Ayoub Al-Ansariyy (Also known by the Turks as Eyup Sultan Hatirasi) The feeling that is felt in the heart whilst being present here cannot be described. It is indeed a place of great barakah (blessing) and tranquillity. I miss this place SuBHaanAllaah. The Muslim needs to spend time here. The area surrounding the grave of Abu Ayyoub Al-Ansariyy (Known as Eyup Sultan by the Turks) is currently being renovated. After the Janazah funeral prayer we received gifts such as Turkish delight, sprinkling of rose water and a Tasbih (Misbah). It was said:- The Great Companion of Prophet MuHammaD, peace and blessings be upon him called Abu Ayyoub Al-Ansariyy Abu Ayyoub was one of the greatest Companions of the Prophet. He never neglected performing jihad--even as an old man. He went with one of the Muslim armies at the time of Mu^awiyyah to liberate Constantinople. Despite his advanced age, he was patient on the hardship of the journey from Madinah to surround Constantinople--where he eventually died. Prior to his death, he asked the Muslims to advance as far as possible and bury him in that spot--which they did. The Muslim army that time was not successful in liberating Constantinople, and it remained in the hands of the Non-Muslims who themselves tended the grave of Abu Ayyoub al-Ansariyy because of the barakah they saw there! After several hundred years, Constantinople was liberated by Muhammad al-Fatih, the Ottoman. He wanted to know the location of the grave of Abu Ayyoub which was no longer apparent since so many years had passed. Muhammad Al-Fatih asked one of the pious shaykhs in his army if he knew the location of Abu Ayyoubs grave. He answered Muhammad Al-Fatih by recalling a light he had seen the previous evening coming from a specific location which went all the way up in the sky. The shaykh suggested digging there might present the grave. They dug in that location until they uncovered a plate with a writing indicating this was the grave of Abu Ayyoub. Muhammad Al- Fatih built a mosque (masjid) in that location that still exists until today in Istanbul, Turkey. There is a great feeling of barakah and tranquillity there). It was said:- Imam Ahmad, Al-Hakim, and others narrated about a man by the name of Marwan Ibn al-Hakam (an unjust ruler of that time) once passed by the grave of Prophet MuHammaD, peace and blessings be upon him and he saw a man with his cheek on the grave of Prophet MuHammaD, peace and blessings be upon him. Marwan Ibn al-Hakam asked the man: Do you know what you are doing? as he came closer to the grave, Marwan Ibn al-Hakam realised it was the companion of Prophet MuHammaD, peace and blessings be upon him called Abu Ayyoub al-Ansariyy. Abu Ayyoub al-Ansariyy replied to Marwan Ibn Al-Hakam: Yes, I know what I am doing. I came here for Prophet MuHammaD, peace and blessings be upon him (The Messenger of Allaah)--not for the stone. By this he meant he was seeking the blessings from the presence of Prophet MuHammaD, peace and blessings be upon him and not for the stone covering his grave. Abu Ayyoub al-Ansariyy continued his response with what he heard Prophet MuHammaD, peace and blessings be upon him say: Do not cry over the Religion of Islaam if the rulers are ruling correctly. Rather, cry over this Religion of Islaam if the rulers are ruling incorrectly. By his response, Abu Ayyoub was telling Marwan Ibn al-Hakam: You are not one of those rulers who are correctly ruling by the rules of Islam.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 20:19:37 +0000

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