The Dead Hour Someone is here with us... The Dead Hour takes - TopicsExpress


The Dead Hour Someone is here with us... The Dead Hour takes place at approximately 3am - 6am. The following events took place at the Briar residence on March 11, 2012 You know I have always loved the paranormal. I used to watch YouTube videos on how to do seances to summon spirits, or how to talk to them through Ouija boards. I loved it all, that is, until we started trying it on our own. I bought a Ouija board online to see if the whole thing was legitimate or not, and I waited and waited until it finally came. I was like a little kid opening a Christmas present. I opened it up and there it was, the board with the pointer. I was so excited! I followed all the instructions exactly, from putting a candle behind me to having more than one person with you - I did it all. We waited until 3am exactly like it said, and did the small prayer at the start to make sure to ward off evil spirits. We began our session, my friends complaining the whole time about how it wouldnt work, or someone would try to push the pointer during the session. At that time I felt something brush beside me. It made me have goosebumps and it felt like the temperature dropped. I just ignored it; the window was slightly opened in my room and so I got up and closed it, when I remembered youre not supposed to leave at any time during the session. After a while of asking dumb questions and not getting a response, I started to ask a question. Just then, all of the candles blew out. I knew I had closed the windows and there were no fans on, so what could have done that? Hands still on the Ouija board, I saw my friends face - she looked uneasy, almost if she had seen something and didnt want to tell us. The pointer moved, and everyone looked shocked that it had; it began spelling something out. I had my friend write it down, as she was the designated recorder for the whole session. She wrote down what it said and repeated it aloud. YOU LEFT US There was a loud crash heard downstairs. We were all positive now that we were contacting a ghost, and I was the first to say something aloud. Hello? At this point we were all standing up - when the unthinkable happened: the Ouija board moved all on its own, aggressively sliding back and forth on the board. My friend was writing down what it said, and she showed us the results - just the words YOU LEFT US over and over, over and over. The board started to float; I fell down from the genuine shock, my heart racing. There was a scream like nothing I had ever heard in my life, an ear piercing, blood curdling scream that came from the direction of the board. The board flew in my direction, almost hitting me in the head. I heard a demonic voice, and it chuckled. I was drenched in sweat from fear, my knees almost wanting to give in. I stood up to go look for my friends in the dark and I heard a scream come from downstairs in the kitchen. One of my friends, standing in front of a body, blood pooled on the floor and crying loudly, the body was my other friends. I yelled and fell to my knees and screamed at the top of my lungs, and then broke down in tears, his throat was slit and there were several knife wounds throughout his whole body. I knew we had to get out now. I managed to pick my self up and grabbed my friend; I had to force her away from the corpse, still crying. I went to go to the front door and I noticed the door wasnt there. Gone, the door was gone. I was filled with fear. I ran upstairs to go down the hallway when I noticed, my friend wasnt holding my hand anymore. She was gone and I heard a loud crash from the living room downstairs. I ran as fast as I could downstairs to the living room and saw it. There was a knife floating in the air, chopping into my friend who was on the couch. Blood was now drenching the couch, splattering the walls. She was gurgling, screaming, trying to fight the attacker off, but I was again frozen in fear watching all of this happen; her voice becoming weaker as the attacker continued to stab her over and over, her throat already slit. I could see him now, the apparition. His eyes were hollow, and his face was severely deformed, his head looked like it had been smashed in, and he was wearing a tattered white shirt and torn up brown pants. His hands were soaked in blood, and I screamed at him as loud as I could. He just stared at me with his hollow eyes and walked forward and disappeared, I screamed and fell to my knees. Both of my friends are dead. All manner of thoughts filled my head, when I felt something. Something sharp. It was sticking out of my chest, and then it disappeared; a searing pain went through my body as the wound began to bleed, and then I felt it again, again, until it reached my throat, a fiery hot pain. I grabbed at my throat seeing blood trickling down my hands and all down my shirt to the ground. I fell flat slowly fading from reality, hearing the cackle over and over, until finally I faded away. Police Report from March 12, 2012 Today, three bodies were found at the Brair residence, multiple stab wounds covering the bodies along with a slashed throat on every body, the words you left us were found written in blood on the wall in the living room. The murder weapon was not recovered but appears to be a knife or a blade of some kind. The murderer has not been found. - Heartless
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 15:24:46 +0000

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