The Diplock conveyor belt rolls on The Diplock conveyor belt - TopicsExpress


The Diplock conveyor belt rolls on The Diplock conveyor belt rolls on, Throughout the last few decades the British government have employed many tactics to secure convictions against Irish Republicans, From the torture of the Hooded men to the forced confessions in Castlereagh. In these forced confessions men, women, boys and girls were systematically beaten by the RUC interrogators in order to extract false admissions of guilt, thus securing a prosecution through the Diplock courts, these, so-called Bastians of “Justice” where three judges, and not a jury of your peers decide on your guilt or innocence. For many Irish Republicans the Conveyor belt rolls on, and while the RUC/PSNI may not just have changed their name but also their tactics. The Diplock courts remain intact and in full swing. Today Irish Republicans may not be suffering the beatings, but the RUC dont need to extract a confession, just look at the rate of conviction on dubious (to say the least) evidence and then the reversal of said convictions. It would seem that ,all the system is interested in is getting some people of the streets at any price, even if that price is the denial of Justice. And what of the great and the good, where are their protestations against these breaches of human rights and the denial of natural Justice? It appears that they are now bedfellows with the very same system, They uphold the PSNI as, somehow reformed and accountable, even though the evidence shows a very different picture. They tell us that Justice is now Devolved and that things are better, Marian Price and Martin Corey are living proof that this is another lie. Anyone who still believes that things have changed here in the Occupied Six Counties , need look no further than the Cases of J P Wooten and Brendan McConville to see just how far the system has moved, the RUC still fabricating evidence,MI5 still employing their covert Dirty tricks, British special forces still working behind the scenes to subvert Justice, and the British Diplock courts still willing to keep the conveyor belt rolling
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 20:55:46 +0000

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