The Dishonorable(Scum of Fiji) Aiyaz Khaiyum DID YOU KNOW that - TopicsExpress


The Dishonorable(Scum of Fiji) Aiyaz Khaiyum DID YOU KNOW that the next parliament sitting will be an interesting & eventful one for our beloved nation in the year 2015. Questions that citizens of Fiji like me would like answered at the next Parliament sitting : (1) Why did the Minister of Communications (Hon Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum) issue only a 6 months broadcast license to Fiji TV (despite a newcomer, FBC TV which is headed by his brother issued with a 12 year term license), notwithstanding the FACT the I - Taukei Trust Fund and Ministry of Fijian Affairs Board (both come under the Hon Ratu Voreqe Bainimarama) are THE majority shareholder of FHL(Class B shareholders) & indirectly majority shareholder of Fiji TV? The Govt MPs themselves in our democratic country should be asking the same in their next meeting to their own LYING colleague. What are the REASONS for the 6 months license moreso when FHL gives dividends back to its Class B shareholders who then use the funds to build & develop our nation. What does FBC give to the Govt of Fiji & how much do they give? Look & compare the monetary contribution from FHL & FBC. (2) When will the FBC audited accounts be made available? I am told that it should be at the end of this month? All Govt owned broadcasters around the world (eg: ABC, BBC, etc) are termed as public broadcasters & therefore do not operate at a commercial level like Fiji TV & Mai TV. Why is our democratically elected Govt still allowing FBC to operate commercially to the FACT that only FBC can have both radio & TV entities & other broadcasters cannot (eg: Fiji TV can only run a TV station & not radio or print)??. If the audited accounts show that FBC is making losses - it is only right that FBC reverts back to its public broadcaster status & our democratically elected Govt diverts the annual grant to FBC to other much needed Govt funded operational areas. Bring out the FBC audited accounts to the people of Fiji. (3) When will the Hon ASK relinquish all Dept of Communications & Information portfolios given that these two (2) positions work with all Broadcasters including FBC - conflict of interest. Surely, there are competent current Govt backbenchers who can take up these 2 positions. Qualifications for this position (my personal view) : - a) passion to serve the nation & to do what is beneficial for ALL & not one; b) ethical & person of integrity (certainly one that does not LIE, LIE & LIE like Hon Aiyaza Sayed - Khaiyum) in Parliament. Please note that a Law Degree or Masters Degree in Law is not a requisite to the position - just an ethical & honest person is the MQR (minimum qualification requirement). (4) Why did the Hon ASK see or feel the need to LIE to in Parliament & to the people of Fiji on the WR debacle in the last Parliament Sitting to save face for him and FBC?. Did he also LIE to his own Govt Member of Parliament? In any democratic country like our beloved Fiji, a LYING Member of Parliament (either from Govt or in Opposition MUST stand down & resign from all portfolios that they hold) & leave the House. (5) Did the Hon ASK LIE to his own party MPs who then voted against the motion brought by the Opposition to remove the WR events from the Television (Cross Carriage of Designated Events) Decree 2014 (Decree No 14 of 2014) in the last parliament sitting. His own MPs should be asking him this question in their next meeting. Remember, remember & remember Hon ASK, the agreement with WR which Fiji TV was part of - all WR events must be removed from the Television Cross Carriage Decree by 5th Feb, 2015. No removal, no Wellingtons 7s feed, Hong Kong & possibly Rugby World Cup 2015 not coming in to Fiji. And please do not LIE about saw first hand the anger of our nation when the Dubai 7s leg did not come in all thanks to your LIES. You released the curses of the nation to our Govt MPs and their families including those that supported FFP & stood for FFP - very selfish of you. Thank goodness we have intercessors in our families. All funds paid by broadcasters to televise exclusive rights on WR products in turn helps our financially ailing Fiji Rugby Union. So, if Fiji does not get the feed - WR in my view reduces funding to FRU. Just refer to the 2 WR letters from Susan Ahearn - both on Fiji Leaks website & FB pages. Susan makes reference to funding to FRU from broadcast revenue. The last thing we want is for our boys to go ill equipped to the up coming RWC 2015. (6) Why did the Hon ASK LIE that FBC has more coverage than Fiji TV? Refer to my postings on Dec 17 or 18 Dec on my FB page. (7) Who does FBCs media survey? Give us the name so that we know which reputable & outstanding company FBC uses, the people of Fiji as taxpayers are paying for this research & demand & have the right to know this public information. Fiji TV uses AC Nielsen - they are the only media company in the South Pacific (excluding Aust & NZ) that uses AC Nielsen. The World uses AC Nielsen (CNN, Fox, Sony Picture, All major TV broadcasters in NZ, Aust & all over, Colgate, Sheraton Group, Proctor & Gamble - all multinational & global companies). AC Nielsen is a public listed company (like Fiji TV and FHL) & is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Refer to my AC Nielsen posting on my FB page on Dec 17/18th. (8) Contracts are declared null & void where elements of fraud, duress & unconscionable conduct are present - numerous case laws & precedents. The sub - license agreement between Fiji TV & FBC falls within the ambit of a nullified & void contract given that manner in which the Hon ASK dealt with this issue - certainly did not help with all these docs appearing on social media pages. Moreso, when Fareed & Naiveli signed knowingly & intentionally without Fiji TV board resolution & against its shareholders interest(which indirectly includes Class A & Class B FHL shareholders). Written by : Tanya M Waqanika
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 02:01:07 +0000

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