The Divine Guru : “The Divine guru represents the Unmanifest - TopicsExpress


The Divine Guru : “The Divine guru represents the Unmanifest Form of God” Why is the Divine Guru important : ( 1 ) – The immensity of karmic impurities we carry within ourselves, through cycles of birth and rebirth; if not impossible; is extremely difficult and slow to be cleared away by ourselves in the regular methods we follow. To move deep within – many past sanskars have to be cleared out, as without total purifications one cannot move inwards or towards God. The purity of our life, inner thoughts and actions today, has deteriorated to an alarming extent. It becomes so easy to not remember the truth about our birth. The required motivation and courage to stay stable on this journey towards one’s reality (in spite of all odds), comes from God and Divine guru, the Sadguru. The extremely fast and out ward lifestyles today, that majority of us live in makes it extremely easy to fall back into the mayic jungle (worldly life). We also today have access to a lot of knowledge from innumerable sources; possibly all not authentic. The entire world knowledge is there for us with as many news and views, which though may sound good, could cause serious confusion about what to do, whom to follow. Our thoughts are affected by the media to a very large extent. Because of the alarmingly different thoughts bombarding us today, how can we decide what is true and important for us at the particular stage and situation in our life. The sifting of knowledge is extremely difficult, with many trying to catch attention in not all the right ways. All this could become a khichdi (mix) of the wrong kind. All our innumerable methods of praying, meditations, scripture reading, chanting, satsangs, seva, yogic kriya; are ways not directly related with God. Without the right understanding, though we may spend hours praying; required purifications do not take place as we all know; without the right purity of – bhao, heart, mind, body, soul – it is impossible to be anywhere near the Divine powers. A Divine guru could you on an individual level making your progress the fastest, as he will never has more than a handful of close followers. ( 2 ) - At times it can become very difficult and dangerous for a devotee to be confronted by non- believers, ( I speak with direct experience), who may want to argue and demand logical explanations for spiritual truths. During the course of my spiritual journey, several times I have received this reaction from many seekers and people close, who have a pre formed opinion of how everything should be. Anything which seems different from how IT all should happen is criticized immediately, without true understanding. During these confrontations, only the support from a divine guru can help maintain the right balance, or else it’s easy to slip in the comfort of the known way of life which all approve of. To be able to stay firm, one requires help and guidance from right guru or master, who is overflowing; and not hungry nor a beggar. Till the time one is not established strongly in the DOT, the closeness and regular support of the Divine Guru is important and cannot be debated. ( 3 ) - Spending time with the Sadguru on a continuous level makes it easier to maintain the high level of purity and positivism in consciousness, required for digestion of the high wisdom and pure auras. The proximity helps keep my mind focused on the goal. Or else in the routine of our lives, it is easy to lose all the ‘high pure energy’ and get caught up in the rat race. The worldly maya and control people try to exert at times, can act as a deterrent to the spiritual awakenings. ( 4 ) - The value of the divine guru is that he teaches you through example – he lives his truth; in his life you are able to see all the various truths you may have read or heard from various spiritual sources. Our mind is also purified by this satsang (pure association). The required strength, courage, motivation to be able to stay stable in this inward journey is directly the grace of God and Guru. The guru is the total form of unconditional love. ( 5 ) - I have experienced; how with the right purification from a divya (divine) guru; the karmas of this life and past lives can be felt, accepted and understood in the right positive manner; in the least of time. Too many words are not required, then, as too much talking can be only empty words. When the guru whom one follows, preaches certain truths about God and ourselves, and as also how we can reach to that particular spot, I strongly believe, that first he himself should become an example of what he is trying to give his disciples. He should be the motivation as living the truth in totality. Only then he can have the power to give, THAT, which TRANSFORMS. The transformative blessings only can come from one who is a living example of the reality which he tells you to follow. This can happen only through the divine guru. Too many words are not required, then, as too much talking can be only empty words. The required blessing, kripa is transferred in an instant without you even realizing it has happened; only the results are experienced. I have found, God is very close to us and His kripa, along with the grace from the divine guru finishes all karmic debts within us and thus the soul shines out in crystal clear purity. There is a teacher and a student, there is a guru and a disciple. A student or a disciple can be taught or can be transformed; it depends entirely on the quality of the teacher or the guru.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 06:31:37 +0000

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