The Emperors New Clothes - in a plastic bottle! By RodandBeth - - TopicsExpress


The Emperors New Clothes - in a plastic bottle! By RodandBeth - 27 Jun 2014 Could there ever really be a miraculous solution to repairing bare patches on your lawn with such minimal effort? Well, if there is - this isnt it! In fact its a monumental waste of time so here is an alternate set of instructions that I hope will prevent you from wasting your money: 1) Prepare the ground by raking it and putting lots and lots of expensive, meter-monitored water on it 2) Sprinkle contents and rake them in to the mushy ground, as prepared above 3) Water some more and keep watering or at least, hope it rains to spare you the trouble 4) Start to envisage what your lawn will look like with no bare patches anymore but understand at this point that your lawn is only going to look good in your imagination 5) Watch the birds arrive and start pecking at some of the contents. Start to wonder why theyre being so fussy and leaving some 6) After four weeks, finally let it dawn on you that youve just wasted loads of time and the bare patches are still there but hey, at least it got you out of the house! 7) Make the effort to complain as instructed on the packaging and console yourself that a full refund is on its way 8) Get disappointed again when the refund arrives in the form of a voucher to buy the same thing all over again 9) Either buy the replacement product and repeat steps 1) to 8) again or save yourself the trouble and throw the voucher away, after all - the Brazilians got away with painting their grass green in the World Cup, why cant you do the same?!! I am utterly amazed that companies can make such ridiculously bold claims about products that just dont work!
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 09:04:48 +0000

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