The Evil Jesuits - Who Are They Really + Is Mother Teresa Truly - TopicsExpress


The Evil Jesuits - Who Are They Really + Is Mother Teresa Truly The Angel of Death? (31.03.14). (Posted & Compiled by Rique Seraphico). 01 - THE JESUITS, PRIESTHOOD OF ABSOLUTE EVIL. 02.09.13). Video Link: A SUMMARY OF THE CHURCH OF ROMES ORIGINAL WAFFEN SS AND THEIR WAR AGAINST GOD. ________________________________ 02 - Who are the Jesuits. (19.02.13) Video Link: ________________________________ 03 - How The High Jesuits Rule The USA - Parts 1 & 2 incl. Video Link - Part 1: Video Link - Part 2: ________________________________ 04 - THE BLACK POPE RULES ALL GOVERNMENTS OF THE WORLD. Video Link: The Jesuit Superior general is THE most powerful man in the world since Pope Pius wrote a Papal Bull in 1814 to restore the Order after they were banned by Pope Clement XIV in 1773 , thats also the main reason why The Bavarian Illuminati was created a continuation of Los Alumbrados. Before 1814 The Ptolemaic Papal bloodlines were ruling this world with an iron fist , today they are in the shadows but not less powerful they advice The Jesuit Superior general through the Council of 10 (The Arcane Arcanorum Rite of Atlantis). ________________________________ 05 - Vatican is the Illuminati! (16.06.12). Video Link: Let me preface this video by stating that I have absolutely nothing against everyday Catholics and this is in no way an attack on them. People have the right to follow any religion that appeals to them whether it is Catholicism, Islam, Judaism or Eastern religions. The Vatican is however not so much a religion as a tax exempt corporation and a city state and an incredibly corrupt one at that. It is time for certain truths to be revealed the Roman Empire never truly fell it just changed its outer clothing.One of the titles of the Pope is Pontifex Maximus, the same as Roman Emperors.. The Black Pope and the Jesuit Military Order continue to rule over the entire world from Rome. The Jesuit Military order controls the Knights of Malta, the CIA, Mossad, MI5, the Mafia and World Freemasonry. There is in fact no conflict between the Vatican and World Freemasonry.The Rothschilds are merely the banking family for the Jesuits and Zionism (a political ideology) is used as a vehicle for destabilizing the Middle East.The upper echelon at the Vatican certainly do not practice Catholicism themselves but their own Esoteric Mystery School system of belief and jealously guard all occult (hidden) knowledge for their own use. Responsible for mass genocides during their Inquisitions and Crusades and having a deep predilection for pedophilia, they preach the humility and simple living of Christ to the masses while hoarding gold and living in luxury. The Vatican wiped out countless indigenous cultures and burnt and destroyed countless books and codices to hide the facts and maintain their stranglehold on spiritual truth.The biggest statue at the Vatican is one not of Christ or Mary but a giant pine-cone. Why a pine-cone? Because it represents the pineal gland and the Third Eye, the gate to higher spiritual worlds, worlds to which they wish to maintain exclusive access. The Vatican is the Illuminati. Video created by Alan Lamont (Universe6807 ). ________________________________ 06 - Jerusalem The Ultimate Goal of The Jesuit Order. (27.01.13). Video Link: Ignatius Loyola was the very first Labor Zionist and he was not a Jew but born in a wealthy Spanish nobility family The Jesuit Order was founded in Paris Montmartre. 2% of all Jesuits have taken the 4th vow Blood oath which are +/- 400 Jesuits worldwide , these Jesuits know more whats going on then all the other 3th vow Jesuits , so even within The Jesuit order there is suppression of information and deception. Again we cannot generalize. The Jesuit order was founded based on Aragon Templarism and the Mystery Schools and the Franciscans (The Assassins) in 1534. Ignatius Loyola was inspired by St Francis of Assisi , Good website here : Ignatius Loyola (not a Crypto jew) was in bed with Francis Borgia who was of the Papal Nobility Descent , Pope Alexander VI Borgia was his granddad and there were at least 2 more people involved in the founding of the Order if not more. The Order was approved in 1540 by Pope Alessandro Farnese (Pope Pius III) to counter reformate the Protestant Reformation that wounded the Roman Empire , this has been in session for more then 500 years now. All the Inquisitions and assassinations over time were a conscuence of it all. In 1773 The Jesuit Order was banned world wide by Pope Clement XIV who wrote a Papal Bull , The Jesuits were banned in more then 83 countries. King George III of England gave them shelter , this is how they got in control of The British Crown to this very day. This is why they came up with The Bavarian Illuminati in 1776 (a continuation of Los Alumbrados) and brough Papal Court jews to places of Power , like Meier Amschel Bauer who even changed his name into Roth - Schild (Red Shield) after he became a Knight of Malta , since then The Rothschilds are The Guardians of The Vatican Treasury. And through the Bavarian Illuminati The Jesuits got in control of Washington DC till this very day which has been their most important safe haven to work from. All the wars we have seen through USA were Jesuit ars. That includes the Twintower Attacks and the false War on terror In 1814 Pope Pius restored The Jesuit Order and wrote also a Papal Bull and this time he made sure that The Jesuit order could never ever be banned again. Since 1814 The Jesuit Superior General became the most powerful man in the world only adviced by The Papal bloodlines through The Council of 10 - Link: FULL FILM HERE ! Link: youtube/watch?v=-aD8TU... Nazi Germany - A Creation of the Vatican and Jesuits - Part 1/2 Link: https://youtube/watch?v=q7uk-... The Anti Christian Masonic State of Israel with Eric Jon Phelps Link: https://youtube/watch?v=bUGGU... Shimon Peres gave 60 % of Jerusalem to the vatican at the 1993 Oslo Accords Link: https://youtube/watch?v=L8klp... The Kennedy Assassination Exposed - with Historian Eric Jon Phelps https://youtube/watch?v=-Ziv0... Albert Pikes WW1, WW2 & WW3 Israel - Palestine (Jesuit Controlled by Jean Pierre de Smet) Link: https://youtube/watch?v=C6rlq... ALBERT PIKES WW1,2,3 & THE TRUTH ABOUT ISRAEL & PALESTINE Link: https://youtube/watch?v=ML1Cl... ________________________________ 07 - The CIA (E. Howard Hunt) Admits The Jesuits are The Worlds Greatest. (24.10.12). Video Link: He didnt say That The Jesuits are also The Worlds Greatest Power which is The TRUTH. The Jesuits Totally Control The VATICAN and ALL Freemasonry, Intelligence, Religion/Cults, Universities, Law, MEDIA / Hollywood, Military and Banking WORLD WIDE together with The Vatican Knighthoods ! Because they control The Pope serving Masonic Zionists since The Creation of The Bavarian Illuminati ! They also control The Leaders of the Middle east (Wahibi Islam) and many more world leaders (infact almost all of them) How would they ever succeed in a New World Order if they didnt controlled it all ...?!! ________________________________ 08 - Secrets of the Jesuit CIA Video Link: youtube/watch?v=tzm7XY... Some Secrets of the CIA. Education Purpose Only. This video is half the length you see on the timeline. Youtube messed it up, go figure. Expose psyops, eugenics and Arcana Arcanorum, the Brotherhood of the Snake and Luciferianism, upheld by Jesuits - Scottish Rite - Masons - Vatican - Zionists - Monarchy - Intel Agents - Bankers - Politicians - False Prophets - Military / Judges / CEOs / Media / Scientists / Celebs - Average Joe. Link: This video does not show all the treasonous and cowardice ways of the CIA. They are still doing all this, plus more, to this day. We need to stop being indifferent to this type of stuff. CFR-created, cartel-capitalist oil monopoly, finances the Black Popes International Terrorist Network; that Network is overseen by the Father Generals SS/Central Intelligence Agency, which in turn has been consistently directed by CFR affiliates since its inception, they being either oathbound Knights of Malta, 33rd Degree Freemasons or members of Yales Satanic Brotherhood known as Skull and Bones. This is The Invisible Empire of occult, high-level, Scottish Rite and Grand Orient Luciferian Freemasonry. Tyrants have always some slight shade of virtue; they support the laws before destroying them. -Voltaire We sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would harm us. -George Orwell Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think were being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think Im liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. Thats whats insane about it. -John Lennon Possession isnt nine-tenths of the law. Its nine-tenths of the problem. -John Lennon When two Jesuits meet, the devil is always there to make a threesome. -old French proverb One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -Plato All warfare is based on deception. -Sun Tzu Every mans life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another. -Ernest Hemingway We must make the world honest, before we can honestly say to our children that honesty is the best policy. -George Bernard Shaw A society that is uninterested and unwilling to learn from history is doomed to repeat it. -J Edgar The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men. -Plato The power of accurate observation is often called cynicism by those who fail to possess it. -George Bernard Shaw For every 10 people who are clipping at the branches of evil, youre lucky to find 1 whos hacking at the roots. -Thoreau It is Not Because Things are Difficult that We Do Not Dare; It Is Because We Do Not Dare that They are Difficult. -Seneca Freedom is indivisible, and when one man is enslaved, all are not free. -JFK Never let your schooling interfere with your education. - Samuel Langhorne Clemens (MarkTwain) Aim towards the Enemy. -Instruction printed on US Rocket Launcher. ________________________________ 09 - Satanic Vatican - Full Length. Video Link: This is an insanely detailed and long look at the Vatican and its satanic beliefs, practices and doctrines. ________________________________ 10 - The Truth About Mother Teresa: Debunking the Myth. (21.08.11). Video Link: ________________________________ 11 - Mother Teresa: good or evil? Debate (Parts 1 to 3 incl). Video Link Part 1: Video Link Part 2: Video Link Part 3: ________________________________ 12 - Christopher Hitchens - Mother Teresa Was A Fraud. (13.11.10). Video Link: Mother Teresa. AKA the angel of death. (RIP Mr. Hitchens). ________________________________ 13 - Hells Angel: Mother Teresa; 1 of 3. (16.10.08). Video Part 1: Video Part 2: Video Part 3: THIS IS NOT A HATEFUL OR SLANDEROUS VIDEO. Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu (Mother Teresa) has been hailed the world over as an unsurpassed savior of the worlds destitute. In this video, broadcast on the BBC in 1994, however, Christopher Hitchens places the Roman Catholic nun, her ideology, and her activities under the microscope, and questions whether she deserved the praise she received. ________________________________
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 04:23:25 +0000

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