The Failure of the Affordable Health Care Act I have the - TopicsExpress


The Failure of the Affordable Health Care Act I have the unfortunate responsibility to say that the Affordable Health Care Act is not going to work. It may have had good intentions but unfortunately it is not affordable. I am so disappointed. And now I am angry that our government once again has failed the American People. We have 300,000,000 million people in the United States. President Obama wants to tout that 8 million have signed up with the web site. So that only leaves 292,000,000.00 million left. As a business man I would call that a gross exaggeration of success. Why the Affordable Health Care Act is doomed to fail. Because for at least 200,000,000 million people the cost of health care is the same as would be without the Affordable Health Care Act. I have been to the site and registered. I have seen my options. I am solidly in the Middle Class as the majority of Americans. In this class we get no benefits from the government. Only taxed if we do not sign up. For me and my wife the cost for health care is $1,400.00 per month or $16,800.00 per year. This is not affordable for me. I would rather put $16,800.00 in a self insured account then pay that to an insurance company. And by the way that was the same cost before the Affordable Health Care Act was implemented. If 7 or 8 million American people can get affordable health care due to their low income status then good for them. They could get that before this law. Oh there were some good demands the government made, no pre-existing conditions, leaving your child on the policy for a longer period, and other fail safes that insurance companies were being abusive, but that did in no way make the health care affordable. If one thing has been proven throughout history is that our Government is the worst at spending money. And of course they are spending our money. Trillions of dollars with waste in the billions. Imagine if any business would operate that way and be successful. Our government is even lousy at oversight. And all this has been proven time and time again. If anything the truth be told is that when government and business get in bed together then corruption rules the day. I am so disappointed. Our government has once again failed the American People. If government could weed out corruption, poor spending programs, wasteful spending programs, pork barrel programs and more we could afford to give all Americans Affordable Health Care. Hopefully we will get some competent legislators who can negotiate on behalf of the American people with the insurance companies for real affordable health care. Jerry Mueller.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 21:21:25 +0000

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