The Family Research Council is organizing a rally for the Governor - TopicsExpress


The Family Research Council is organizing a rally for the Governor Brownback Campaign in Wichita today. They are also the ones who organized a rally last Saturday in Wichita at anti-gay Terry Foxs Summit Church attended by Brownback and US House Rep Tim Huelskamp. This hate group is who the Republicans at the top of the ticket are chumming around with. Do they represent Kansas Values of Equality, Live and Let Live, Freedom to Pursue Ones Own Joy? There is much talk about Family Values, Faith, Freedom at these FRC gatherings which are thinly veiled political events held by the FRCs PAC a 501c4 on behalf of 501c3 tax free churches so that they can skirt the IRS prohibitions on campaigning from the pulpit. The question is whose family, whose faith, and whose freedoms are they advocating for. It certainly isnt the families of gay and lesbian Kansans many of which are raising children without the protections afforded by marriage. It isnt the faith of welcoming and affirming churches that allow openly gay people to be an important part of their congregations. They sure arent talking about the Freedoms guaranteed by the 14th amendment of the US constitution because they are still squandering scarce state resources to fight for the 2005 marriage ban. Most agree that it is only a matter of days before marriage equality is law in Kansas. No, they arent talking about the freedoms of LGBT Kansans to live a life in Freedom from discrimination in every aspect of daily living. The FRC, Brownback, and Huelskamp are not representing the values of Kansans. Kansas was founded as a Free State. Kansas has a long history of being moderate, a place where people can live a life of their own choosing. We had brave people that fought segregation and led the way for the nation to close the chapter on such ugliness. Now we have extremist elected officials campaigning on segregation, fighting equality, claiming the love of Jesus while spitting on the lives of their LGBT neighbors. It is infuriating to me that the FRC who was instrumental in pushing the Freedom to Discriminate bill last session that passed with every Republican House member voting for it is now apparently best friends with the Governor of Kansas and is helping to re-elect him. Brownback and Huelskamp are being ushered around by a Hate group that was pushing the notorious Kill the Gays bill in Uganda. Who will speak out against this outrage with me on every newspaper forum, radio talk show call in segment, and letter to the editor we can get published? Please do share this widely.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 08:20:53 +0000

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