The Father says today that there are those in your life that need - TopicsExpress


The Father says today that there are those in your life that need to repent. Their choices are destructive and their future though unknown to them is bleak. They will say in their calamity why has God done this to Me? Let your answer be this is not Gods will for He sent His son to bring you life and life more abundantly! Time is not yet run out says the Father. I will deliver them before they fall into the snare of the enemy. Confront them. Confront them with My grace and confront them with My goodness. It is My goodness that leads men to repent says the Father even as I said in My word. Religious mentalities threaten offenders with judgments and they mock and turn ever deeper into transgression. It is My goodness and My kindness that turns the hearts of men. Do you want men to repent? Do you long to see those that oppose their own happiness transform? Go out and love them unconditionally and without expectation. My love in you and through you will bring them to change and rob Satan of the spoil he would have in their destruction. Be an agent of My unconditional love and My mercy that is renewed every day and you will see the change you have sought and prayed for even in the most stubborn and sinful people around you.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 12:00:17 +0000

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