The Four Colour Test!!! Take the test! - TopicsExpress


The Four Colour Test!!! Take the test! Blue: 0 Red: 2 Yellow: 5 Green: 7 My Top 2: Green Personality: Helper/Supporter A strong Green individual lives in a world of intangibles where hopes, dreams and emotions are most important. You look at the big picture, are not detail oriented, and like to explore possibilities and alternative ways of doing things. You march to your own drummer and frequently find it difficult to get on the same wavelength as others. This often puts pressure on your relationships. You have a rich vivid imagination and thrive in an atmosphere that encourages the use of your creative abilities and talent. Your intuition is highly developed and you seem to be able to sense what others are feeling. Tendencies 1. Supportive 2. Agreeable 3. Loyal 4. Self control 5. Consistent 6. Good listener 7. Opportunity to develop personal relationships Ideal situation 1. Sincere appreciation by others 2. Minimal conflict between people 3. Security 4. Acknowledgement of work by others 5. Limited territory 6. Traditional procedures 7. Opportunity to develop personal relationships Weaknesses 1. Resist change 2. Trouble making deadlines 3. Overly lenient with people 4. Procrastinates 5. Indecisive 6. Holds grudges 7. Overly possessive 8. Lacks initiative Needs others to provide 1. Push to try new challenges 2. Help in solving difficult problems 3. Initiative and accepting change Personal growth area 1. Facing confrontation and dealing with it 2. Moving at a faster pace and initiating Yellow Personality: Creator/Performer Yellows are self-confident personalities who will challenge anything and everything; authority, rules and established ways of thinking. This tendency to question everything can create a strained atmosphere in both business and personal situations. You are interested in theories, abstractions, innovations and change. You are a conceptual deep thinker and enjoy getting "lost in your head" as a way of exploring new ideas and looking for innovative ways to make a difference. You are a true "out-of-the-box" visionary and adept at multi-tasking. Searching for the hidden meanings behind every day life gives you great pleasure. Tendencies 1. Optimsm 2. Enthusiasm 3. Makes good impressions 4. Verbally articulate 5. Likes to help others 6. Creates entertaining climate Ideal situation 1. Friendly warm environment 2. Freedom from control 3. Public recognition of ability 4. Opportunity to talk 5. Positive reinforcement 6. Enthusiastic response to ideas Weaknesses 1. Following through 2. Overestimating results 3. Misjudging capabilities 4. Talks too much 5. Acts impulsively 6. Jumps to conclusions 7. Over commits 8. Acts first, thinks second Needs others to provide 1. Follow through on details 2. Focus on tasks 3. Logical approach Personal growth area 1. Time awareness 2. Objectivity in decision making
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 01:02:36 +0000

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