The GPH must/should Put restraint in their Security Movements in - TopicsExpress


The GPH must/should Put restraint in their Security Movements in the BM Homeland, I have this Gut feeling that this alleged plan of Certain individuals to Sow terror in Mindanao is to Preempt attempts of any Group or elements of Any Group who will be dis satisfied with the recent developments in The Peace Process. Im Now inclined to believe that the GPH will force Upon the MILF their Heavily-Diluted version of the BBL. And the GPH is ready for any eventuality, they took Advantage of the Peace Process--at least from Where i stand: I already warned of The AFP Positioning themselves in strategic key Areas- The AFP at least now have the Profile of the MILF, from its Leaders to members and even Supporters(SAJAHATRA)---Because of Media Hype of the Peace Process and False Hope-- Many Openly expose themselves as Member or part of the MILF thinking, if they will not come out, they will not be recognized comes harvesting.(sorry for this Term) Have any one wonder Why AFP is Very Much involved in the Socio-Economic Development activities with MILF Camps? what do the AFP know or expertise in Socio-Economic Development? Our Appeal Now is for both parties to d- escalate any Raging tensions, If Pnoy will not honor its Commitments, then lets wait for another Opportunity. Patience is a virtue. The BM themselves Must Discuss discreetly on how to move forward with the Struggle. A New Strategy should be adopted and this must involve all those who still Believe in BM RSD. A New Leadership Must Emerge, a Genuine Cross-ethnic representation Must be ensured, To Make sure that we are all in the same page in Every step and Move we will take in the Future. At this Point let us accept DEFEAT but let us Learn from this defeat and to some Repent. Pride and Aroogance or Supremacy have No place in an Islamic Movement like Ours.Going to war now will only waste Lives of Innocent Moros for nothing and selfish ambiton of FEW. Our Quest to Achieve our inherent right to Freely determine our Political status that will reflect our beliefs and Values as Muslim must Continue. Let us take advantage of Ramadhan to Beseech ALLAH (SWT) to Guide us in the Right Path, the Path of those whom he bless. Victory Or Martyrdom!
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 09:33:31 +0000

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