The Gaza Conflict. In protesting about the Gaza conflict, we - TopicsExpress


The Gaza Conflict. In protesting about the Gaza conflict, we need to ask ourselves why Israel set up the blockade, wall and other measures, like trying to reduce terrorist actions against Israeli men, women and children, in the first place. It certainly wasnt to persecute the Gaza/Palestinian people, in the way they themselves were persecuted by others in the past. No; it was/is to try to stop all the bombings, rocketings and other Islamist terrorist actions which result in deaths, maimings and kidnappings of its own people. It never ceases to amaze me that so many of us oppose and support strong action against fundamentalist, Islamist, jihadist, terrorism in Britain and elsewhere - Iraq, Afghanistan, etc, and yet throw our hands up in horror, outrage and blame when Israel (unlike us, on the front-line, receiving end) takes such action. Now look here all you Israel “blamers” - Hamas terrorists are fully responsible for where and how they fire, store rockets and conduct their jihad operations. They do these things deliberately and with cold calculation amongst THEIR OWN civilians, including children, knowing full well the result! Jihadists in Gaza, and elsewhere, using their distorted, perverted and vile version of Islam have no moral conscience about killing innocent people, including their own friends, relatives and children, in pursuance of their perverted goals. Those goals include not only the elimination of Israel but also the imposition of strict, fundamentalist Islam throughout the Middle East and, eventually, the rest of the world! Your, one-sided, protests help further those goals! In WW2, Britain and American carpet-bombed cities across Europe and Japan to defeat two other similarly conscience-free, immoral enemies of freedom. Millions of innocent men, women and children died as a result.. Were there mass protests at that? No - because it was realised that it was the lesser of two evils. Wake up at the back, there! This is also a war! If anyone has an alternative way of fighting it, that will leave Israel intact, and will stop Islamist anti-Israel, regional and global terrorism, then let’s have it. But in the meantime, at the very least, if you are going to protest, either by marching or by writing, about the deaths and maimings of innocents in Gaza, then include a strong protest about the actions of Hamas, Islamist, Jihadists.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 08:50:14 +0000

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