The Greatest Conspiracy, What is the purpose of you knowing - TopicsExpress


The Greatest Conspiracy, What is the purpose of you knowing what some super bureaucracy, Secret Group, or meddling government, aliens or society is up to? The proponents, announcers and authors of this kind of information tout “forewarned is forearmed!”. They often times compare themselves to and investigative journalist. However when asked for facts they point at details and say you have to “Read between the lines. Gossip never empowered anyone and gossipers dont inspire. This entire movement hasnt moved anything or anyone to any positive action that I know of. Im not contending or asserting that their isnt some people out there with some dark motive. The conspiracy movement (by accident or intention) may be one of the ways that people are paralyzed in spirit. No one I know that talks about conspiracies is doing anything about these past or future conspiracies... besides talking (gossiping) about them. If the people that gossip about the conspiracies would act in some positive way to create a positive change, our world might be a better place to be. As it stands the gossiping conspiracy movement only creates more fear, hurt, anger and loathing... with no positive action. If we care about something (enough to spend hours talking about it) then, we should do something to create a change. If people will attend a conspiracy meeting or cruise (yes. Thats right, people attend cruises to gossip and NEVER form a plan to do anything about it), why cant they take an hour a week... to send an email or letter in support of someone trying to make positive change or offer constructive criticism about that issue. Actions are better than words but, we are not always “next door” to whatever we are concerned about. The next time someone wants to gossip with you about their favorite conspiracy, ask them “what action are you taking about this?” Even when they walk away, you will have planted a positive seed. But, lets not be hypocritical either... What do YOU care about, plan an hour one day a week. At the very least right a few short notes to encourage people who are doing positive things. Maybe contribute? Maybe take an action that solves a problem... Even a drop in a bucket, eventually fills it up.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 15:31:52 +0000

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