The Green house and Food In the years weve had the Hubble - TopicsExpress


The Green house and Food In the years weve had the Hubble telescope searching the farthest reaches of space we have yet to find the planet thats even comparable to earth perhaps one day maybe we will but even if we do we dont have the means to travel such distances. I do believe we all could agree that saving one planet we have would be a wise choice. And Im sure or NASA scientists have pondered the idea would I would take to try to make it an environment on a distant planet that would sustain human life and I would imagine who would be a very costly and complex task to do. If one would just take a moment to consider when the dinosaurs that once roamed the this planet whose diet consists of a vast amount of vegetation enhanced by the amount of oxygen one would need to move such a large mass specially when being chased by a predator as its heart and lungs were under stress the oxygen in the earths atmosphere had to exceed levels that were much greater than what we have today. In fact I am sure if we just looked back to a time when Christopher Columbus and others sailed our oceans in these great wooden ships made of large Timbers even back then diameter is of trees would be 7 to 15 feet that have been chopped down for either expansion of population for goods and services when you consider for every tree we chopped down we just replace buy one but yet it takes approximately 20 trees to build a average size home. Those of you who walked among our great force as you notice as 20°drop in temperature as the moistness you began to breathe easier then the sidewalks of any city. Let me assure you if a tree falls in forced and you chose to close a blind eye it still makes a noise. . Now I am not saying that we should stop all regulation Im sure we can all agree we do not want large amount of mercury water or acid rain and anything or sciences can learn and improve in ways that are cost effective. For which would be silly to believe a plan that has seven billion people would be able to go back to horse and buggy or even the stone age . As more land becomes scarce and water supplies diminish much like the Dead Sea a And even though we all know the importance of how trees filter out CO-2 and other pollutants even as we exhale as we continue spending exhausted of money on differently regulations and laws for the environment even considering a carbon tax for the air we breathe for the American people who or already burdened by over taxation as other developing countries continue polluting vast amounts in to our atmosphere with their toxins. We now have the mad science Professor Klaus Lackner had been working on this problem and finds building a large dehumidifier known as a Carbon Dioxide Scrubbing accompanied with polymer sheets of Styrofoam chloroform cichoric hydroxycinnamic using the quaternary ammonium cation with 13 Kw electrical charge separation of C0 -2 from H-2 O. This is a good sales pitch from the White House, although Mr. Lackner inmates that a dry climate is necessary to run his mechanical tree equipment the size of two semitrailer would only drying the air miles around the said location collecting the water and Co-2 that he hopes to sell to green house once it is bottled. The price tag $30 million dollars to start with a new tax on oil at 89¢ pushing gasoline to $5.00 per gallon. Your had any idea how many trees I could forest’s for 30,000,000.00 if a bag of seed is only $3.00. With the United States less than a 11% per cent of the world’s land. I see no reason why this tax burden should be put on Americans unless the world is willing to contribute. The tree of 40 fruits Sam Van Aken designed the stunning, multi-colored bear 40 different kinds of stone fruit -- IN Millions Square miles of Europe 3.931 mil Square miles of China 3.748 mil Square miles of India 1.269 mil Square miles of Saudi Arabia and Arab world 3.234 Square miles of South America 6.888 mil Square miles of Australia 2.97 mil Square miles of Canada 3.855 mil Square miles of Russia 6.602 mil Square miles of Africa 11.67 m Square miles of America 3.794 mil s more and more land becomes parched as rich soil is dehydrate. And although as humans we reached to the farthest Step to our universe and the deepest depths of our ocean for which we can adapt even the harshest conditions. As other animal species parish due to overpopulation and climate change, so we may leave our planet for those future generations to enjoy as good or better than the one we had wild or natural resources or diminishing. As engineers designing better in greater means of transportation for goods and services, improvement of growing large quantities of food, as we enhance freezers, dehumidifiers, heating systems, air conditioners, even ozone generators for odors that control our environment in are homes and offices. As hydroelectric plants, nuclear power, thermal energy, oil and coal even solar panels which we must chop down trees that block sunlight as we try to when the aurora lights first began mystified scientists in the Alaskans skies. If one would think of our ozone layer much like a thin layer of skin much like the balloon which expands and contracts as CO=2 and other gases that our industries around the world pass off their admissions into the atmosphere as more and more trees and other plant life become deplete the ozone layers is stretched thin as these pollutions passed through the three strands of oxygen which triggers the reaction of their separation allowing these pollutions to drift off in space producing the lights similar to the smoke rising up the chimney in a home, that were so amazed at the beauty the sad part is along with these pollutions that escape are atmosphere also brings with it some oxygen particles depleting more resources which can only be replenished through a reaction of sunlight as its penetration of water, oceans, snow. Producing the humidify that forming of our cloud formations as vapor rises. Along with the natural occurrence of mirror reflection that blocks UV rays and other solar particles now allows them to pass through and enter our atmosphere in even greater numbers compounding this problem and although ozone is replenished through the natural occurrence of storm as lightning sparks natural charges through friction of atoms to ignore the warning signs of a planet who destiny is to be similar to Mars. We only need to look at the erosion which occurs around this world. As the earth magnetic poles continue to shift one foot year the north moves toward Russia and the south towards Australia as the aurora lights follow this phenomenon as they also appear for brief moments and other continents. Reminds me of an article I read back in 1973 how the Mobil Oil Company research core samples deep within the ocean floor as they did their Oil Exploration noticed how the Earths poles do change polarity in a given time. Although it is unclear how often and what regions of the planet have this occurrence or Stephen Hawkins theory on dark matter may have some affect on this phenomenon. As we learn our universe greatly influence are planet as we gaze at the stars in the havens as distant stars and planets like the Milkyway as obedience to drift off to places unknown? Collide like billiard balls on the table. We have learned over the year using the atom accelerator that science is ever changing Einstein theory nothing moves faster than light can be altered for the smaller the atom is the faster it moves. Perhaps on NASA scientists can do a computer analysis of global proportions that may reverse our planets demise as we continue to learn more about RNA as the Maya gave us maze out of wheat? It may be possible to enhance the growth of trees in regions of the worlds most harshest climates that maybe resistant to insects lick Chinese beetle since trees or not of human consumption in the way your food. We may set aside thousands of large acreage of lands in different regions of the world where populations have no interest inhibiting so 150 years we can continue growing rain force in an attempt to cool and also alter weather conditions for much needed rain in regions that have become unproductive this would be a great undertaking and would need a world community to cooperation and resources we move hundreds of thousands of gallons of crude oil across a vast oceans at a significant low cost we can easily move of some soil from different areas of the world as we mix it to enhance production regions where the land is parched. Japan moves an entire mountain just to build an Airport in the ocean. And yet as Saudi Arabia with all their great wealth pumped tons of sand from deep within the ocean to build peninsula for oceanfront homes as their descendants have only oil as their main means of income as resources becomes scarce. As this picture becomes more clear that oil is not the problem for it is nothing more than a play on words for which describes a period of time that humans were unable to keep records of their past as primitive man would attempt to leave some record of their existence as we circled or globe exploring the earth’s deepest caverns is still unclear when ever did happen to the dinosaurs. Which one would believe was caused by a meteor shower or asteroids striking or planet similar to the story about the Bible Babylonian, more and more recently the asteroid that split in two just missing New York City landed in Russia ,the human species was Spear. And as literature and science develops we’ve learned that coal, charcoal, and crude oil all have similar properties and physics and this Tar like substance we call fossil fuel as barbaric as the terms is nothing more as large plantations of life in the form of RNA that somehow became up routed and buried as we continue to find pockets of crude oil in regions of the world’s places that are least expected from depths of our oceans. Science also has shown us that all plant life reacts to the sunlight from the high as altitudes to the depths of our ocean. And that our own SUN transmits particles of atoms that interact with plant life. As a delicate balance of nature as solar winds affect longitude and latitude where events like El Nino and La Nina as it warms the ocean permitting more oxygen as scientists explore the wonders of sprint’s cause by large lightning bolts as friction and our atmosphere tries to repair or fragile ecosystems. One can only wonder who does guide us and since science is an absolute I would certainly like to see a documentary of those crop circles and how many it takes to make them in the dark of night. For a rolling stone Carries no moss. With seven billion people in this World H20 and O and the three strands of ozone that shields or planet. Farmers continue in their efforts to produce more and more food when LAND is becoming scarce a simple thing like forests as the leave mixed with soil to enhance the richness of the land. And as anyone knows who’s traveled Google Earth there are many areas like Australia, Africa and Russia other regions of the world where population is scarce and land has been left abandoned as larger areas of bodies of water and rivers no longer exist. For we will all parish if we have no oxygen to for us to breathe !! If we could engineers Designing aircraft engine using a possible ozone generator with three strands of oxygen to produce more thrust into combustion Chamber May even save fuel by some 30% And if possible provide more oxygen by the afterburner to burn up more pollution the aircraft are omitting to earth’s atmosphere If we need to we can add porcelain to the turbines to reduce the heat flow? We do know after all airlines were grounded September 11 there was a considerable difference in air quality In America Nationwide If we could design a better engine what effects wouldn’t be worldwide
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 02:12:55 +0000

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