The Gulf Oil Spill Is a Depopulation Event of Epic Proportions... - TopicsExpress


The Gulf Oil Spill Is a Depopulation Event of Epic Proportions... In order to demonstrate the fact that the BP event was indeed a planned event and is part of a bigger scheme to depopulate the Gulf of its 40 million residents, it is necessary to present a review of the money trail in the Gulf which shows forethought, planning and motive as a precursor to more important reasons on why the Gulf had to be destroyed... It is not just possible to demonstrate that the Gulf oil explosion was a planned event, it is possible to pinpoint the date when the wheels were put into motion which would make it nearly impossible for any investigation to get to the bottom of the event by American authorities. The subsequent cover-up for this event began in 2007, three years before the event, as Goldman Sachs reorganized Transocean, the owner of the destroyed oil rig, into a Cayman Island corporation. In doing so, it made Transocean virtually impossible for Congress to investigate and subsequently discipline the perpetrators. Unashamedly, Goldman Sachs and Transocean instituted a “put option” on Transocean’s stock for Transocean insiders the very morning of the explosion. Transocean boldly walked away with a $270 million dollar profit immediately following the explosion because they had doubly indemnified the rig only weeks prior to the explosion through Lloyds of London. This alone should have been enough to trigger a massive investigation. Within three weeks prior to the oil rig explosion, Goldman Sachs dumped the lion’s share of their BP stock. Just another coincidence, you say? Then explain why BP CEO Tony Hayward sold 40% of his BP holdings in the weeks prior to the spill and paid off his mortgage on his estate in Kent, England, avoided staggering losses. And true to form involving the pattern of perpetuating a false flag event with media complicity, on June 8, 2010, less than six weeks following the oil spill, BP bought Google and Yahoo Search Terms related to the oil spill in an obvious attempt to conceal as much of the truth as possible from the public. There are yet more financial coincidences. At the time of the oil rig explosion, Halliburton was drilling at the base of the Deepwater Horizon. Very coincidentally, only 11 days before, on April 9, 2010, Halliburton purchased Boots and Coots for a quarter of a billion dollars. Just who is Boots and Coots? Coincidentally, they are the largest oil clean-up firm in the world. And when the explosion took place 11 days later, wasn’t it fortunate that Halliburton was there armed with Boots and Coots as they capitalized on their timely good fortune. Subsequently, Halliburton’s profits increased 83% in just 3 months following the Gulf Oil Crisis subsequent to the clean-up efforts. It was simply raining coincidences! The top five dumping institutions of BP stock just prior to the spill included Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P. (-4,680,822), Wachovia Bank National Association (-2,667,419) and it is important to note that Wachovia is a subsidiary of Goldman Sachs, thus, making this one tight little family of co-conspirators. We also see massive dumping of Sanders Capital, LLC (-1,371,785) and PNC Bank, National Association (-1,177,413), which brings noted globalist George Soros into the conspiracy as well.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 00:07:41 +0000

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