The High Priestess 2: The High Priestess is related to the - TopicsExpress


The High Priestess 2: The High Priestess is related to the zodiac sign of Cancer and the element of water. Cancer is ruled by the Moon (the epidermal kaleidoscope of emotions, feelings, wants and needs that fluctuate during the phases of the Moon). High Priestess = Water (Moon). Cancer. First decan, June 21–30 = Moon (sensitive, receptive); second decan, July 1–11 = Pluto (intuitive, the keeper of secrets); third decan, July 12–22 = Neptune (boundaries, loyal, protective, cautious). When you receive this card, you sit in the chair of the High Priestess, ruled by the Mystical Moon. You are the keeper of secrets, and these secrets are related to the mystery behind the mystical curtain. You are waiting patiently to hear the whispers from within that will lead you to the answers that you are seeking. The Seeker’s Natal Birth Chart: The High Priestess (the higher-self, the wiser you) is related to the fourth house. The fourth house describes your roots, foundation, special gifts, and your psychic abilities might be inherited, but these special gifts might lie dormant until you are ready to embrace your gift and spread your wings. This house includes the protection and care that you received from your parents when growing up. The fourth house also represents your inner home, and where you feel safe and comfortable. This house represents the IC, (Imum Coeli), which is the lowest point of your natal birth chart, and describes your roots and foundation. If you believe in reincarnation, the fourth house represents reuniting with your family when you pass, and where you came from in a past life, or meeting your family members that have passed. Cancer: The High Priestess is related to the Cancer zodiac sign and the element of water. Cancer is psychic, intuitive, sensitive, cautious, emotional, and the keeper of secrets because this zodiac sign is ruled by the Moon, the planet of mysteries. The Moon ushers you into the need to understand the hidden mysteries that are located behind the veil, and warning you to wait quietly until your higher-self sends you the memo. This memo is related to your dreams, visions, intuition and your initial gut feelings related to the situation that will reveal the hidden truth. With the Moon relating to the planet of mystery, the Moon carries the reputation of hidden things, and the Moon brings you into this inner knowing when something is about to happen or arrive. The energies of the Moon (Cancer), bring you into feeling something in your gut because the fourth house of the natal birth chart is ruled by Cancer, the stomach. The reason Cancer feels everything in their gut, which alerts them to dig into a situation and ask questions like the investigator. The High Priestess is related to your unconscious, subconscious, conscious, archangels and higher-self (your intuitive guide and smarter you). The Unconscious: Let’s start with the unconscious part of your brain, the area of awareness, but it’s also the area that you cannot see. The unconscious holds all the data about you, including your past memories, feelings, thoughts and the unconscious runs your entire body. The unconscious will dump information into your subconscious mind through your intuition, dreams and visions, and it stores everything that you have experienced. Guardian Angels: Your guardian angel sends information to you from your unconscious into your subconscious, and your guardian angel works in a mysterious way. Guardian Angels are assigned to you from the day of your birth and they stay with you until the day of your death, through thick and thin because they are your protectors and teachers! I learned through my personal experiences that your guardian angels are the only guides that are allowed to interfere with your free will! When you hear a strong inner voice warning you, and this inner voice scares you by telling you something that you do not like. You need to heed the warning and stop what you want to do at this time, and you also need to send this journey to scrap barrel immediately! As an example, this strong voice might say: “Do Not” get in your car, or “Do Not” get in the boat, or “Do Not” get on that plane, or “Do Not” go shopping, or “Do Not” trust that person. You are receiving a message from your guardian angel, and you need to pay attention and stop what you are doing and listen! If you do not listen, you are going to experience something that you are not going to like, and sometimes the result of not listening to your guardian angel relates to life altering conditions that you cannot change! I also learned through my life experiences that when you ask your guardian angel for help, your guardian angel is going to help you find the answer. You may not hear your guardian angel speaking to you, but mysteriously, your guardian angel will direct you to find the right person or direct you to the right source that will give you the answers you need to solve your confusion. The Subconscious: Now let’s look at the subconscious mind that obeys the commands it receives from your unconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is related to your intuition (the time when you are searching for the truth in order to solve your problems), dreams (your dreams represent what happened in the past, but also what will happen in the future), visions (your visions are related to a prophecy or timing of an event that will happen, or something that happened in the past) and the secret memo (the secret memo comes from your higher-self and reveals secret information). All the information that you receive from your subconscious brings you into that “Aha Moment” and the information that you need pertaining to a particular person or a particular situation that helps you make the right decision, but also helps you avoid making the wrong decision. Your subconscious mind serves you twenty-four hours a day and does not sleep. Your higher-self is busy writing memos to you about what you crave to have or what you need to let fall away from you. This memo relates to your personal experiences that will be good or bad. The Conscious: The conscious mind receives all the data that you will experience. The conscious mind makes you take action, but also asks you to make a heartfelt decision that will be either positive or negative. This is the part of you that says, “Yes or “No” and how you accept the data or reject it. The Moon represents the mysteries of the epidermal kaleidoscope of emotions, feelings, wants and needs that fluctuate during the phases of the Moon. The reason that your emotions fluctuate so much is because the Moon leaps into a new sign of the zodiac every three days. As an example: The Moon leaps into Aries (you are action oriented), the Moon leaps into Taurus (you crave stability), the Moon leaps into Cancer (you become the investigator), the Moon leaps into Leo (you are ready to have fun and take a risk), the Moon leaps into Virgo (you over analyze), the Moon leaps into Libra (you want to balance a relationship), the Moon leaps into Scorpio (you are very critical and can only see the black and white areas of a situation), the Moon leaps into Sagittarius (you are ready to put your foot on the gas pedal and explore), the Moon leaps into Capricorn (you are ready to climb the mountain to achieve something important to you), the Moon leaps into Aquarius (you make an unexpected change), the Moon leaps into Pisces (you are ready to go after a dream that is on top of your bucket list). The High Priestess is related to the ocean tides because the Moon rules the tides, and your fluctuating emotions, moods, and how you feel and think during the phases of the Moon. The Moon rules the Cancer zodiac sign, the element of water (Cancer is intuitive, psychic, holds secret wisdom, the keeper of secrets, and the keeper of past memories). Symbolism: The two pillars that frame the High Priestess represent the hall of truth. The High Priestess calls for the balancing of logic (your thoughts regarding the situation) and (your emotions regarding the situation) with balancing your intuition (your sixth sense regarding the situation). Sometimes the facts that you seek are hidden. The facts hide from you and stay hidden in the subconscious. These hidden facts are revealed to you through your dreams, visions, and spiritual realizations, releasing the secrets. You need to quiet the raging thoughts of your mind and strive to hear the voice inside of you, and the answers to your questions will manifest. Those times when you feel thwarted, incapable of penetrating the mystery, overwhelmed with impatience and walled in by seeming nonsense, those are the times when you will commit the fatal error of ignoring your intuition. Your first feeling about something, usually contains the truth (as long as you are not walking through the fog bank of nonsense). Once you understand this, the confusion caused by warring senses becomes resolved. The High Priestess keeps your secrets, for only you know what your subconscious covertly signals to you. You need to silence your mind and listen to your intuitive guide because your intuitive guide will reveal the secret to your happiness. But this intuitive guide absolutely requires your unfailing trust. Did a strong voice send you a message, urging you to be cautious, reminding you about a valuable lessons you learned in the past, but have now forgotten? Did you hear this voice say, “You shouldn’t have done that? You knew it wouldn’t work out, and now you are learning a new valuable lesson or the same lesson you learned in the past, the Fool in the reverse position!” Upright represents the seeker or the person the seeker is asking about meets the path of the High Priestess. The High Priestess represents the time when you are waiting to hear a message from your higher-self (the wise intuitive guide that resides inside of you, the wiser you). The message and hidden secret will be revealed to you through your dreams, intuition, and initial gut feeling about a situation. The upright position represents the secret is not revealed yet, and you need to wait patiently, and not take action on anything until you receive the message from your higher-self. Reverse represents the seeker or the person the seeker is asking about meets the path of the High Priestess in the reverse position. The High Priestess in the reverse position represents the revelation of a secret. The secret will be revealed through your dreams, visions, initial gut feeling or intuition. Timing is 1–30 days or related to the phases of the Moon. The New Moon (not visible – making a wish and starting a new plan). The First Quarter Moon (growing in size – action oriented – pushing ahead to a testing point). The Full Moon (wishes come true – or the release of what is not working). The Third Quarter Moon (shrinking in size – strong beliefs with what you want – you will put these beliefs in action or let go and release what binds you). With Love and Joy, Safina (Safinas Blog
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 10:00:02 +0000

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