The Holy Qur’an categorically condemns crimes against humanity - TopicsExpress


The Holy Qur’an categorically condemns crimes against humanity when it declares: “He who kills one person unjustifiably is as if he kills the whole humanity. And he who saves one person is as if he saves the whole of humanity” (See Holy Qur’an 5:32). In this verse, the Holy Qur’an clearly equates the human person with the whole of humanity such that if one saves one person, Allah Almighty counts it as saving the whole of humanity and if one murders one person, Allah Almighty considers it as if one kills all of humanity. Therefore the horrible crimes of murdering journalists and bombing innocent civilians are direct assaults on human dignity and can never in any way be justified. The true teachings of Islam as found in the Holy Qur’an do not condone these inhumane acts. It makes me really sad to read of groups claiming to serve Islam but whose conduct do not represent the pristine, serene and peaceful doctrines of Islam as found in the Holy Qur’an and in the beautiful morals of the Holy Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings be upon him). I deeply feel that it is truly right that the whole world condemns the murder of Charlie Hebdo journalists. But may I just bring to the attention of my readers the clear double standard, journalistic injustice, selective coverage and glaring prejudice of Western media in directly connecting Islam with terrorism at every opportunity in their news columns and in their articles. Please do not get me wrong: I vehemently and categorically condemn the Charlie Hebdo killings, but why is it that the Western media do not call USA a “terrorist State” when it perpetrated 3.2 million killings of innocent civilians in Afghanistan and the bombing and maiming of more than 2 million people in Iraq, Egypt and Libya, and why is it that the Western media refuse to call Israel a “terrorist State” when it has murdered, laid waste and maimed more than 4 million people in occupied Palestine ever-since its 1948 brutal occupation of Palestinian lands? I hope I am not misunderstood in this post of mine—I am categorically condemning the killing of the Charlie Hebdo journalists but I want to also condemn the way how Western media selectively cover acts of terrorism by their blatant Islamophobic reporting and their unabashed partisanship with USA and Israel, when the Western media failed to point-out the terroristic acts committed by USA and Israel against the Palestinian people and the rest of the Muslim world. Through this post, I am offering my condolence to the family of all murdered journalists and all innocent peoples killed under the name of divisive ideologies, belief systems and selfish political interests. I offer my prayers of peace for the whole world. As genuine people of peace and as persons of deep and abiding sense of humaneness, we must never ever condone any acts of violence committed against fellow human beings since all humans have intrinsic value being creatures of freedom, will and self-autonomy. I strongly believe that peace will eventually prevail in this benighted world of ours when we learn to respect each other as human beings—as sisters and brothers all—who ought to care for each other instead of hurting and maiming each other in the name of human-made barriers that tend to isolate us from each other; barriers such as ideology, race, political persuasions, partisanship and religion that should have united us into one humankind instead of breaking us into hateful factions, murderous ideologies and cruel sectarianism. May the Most Compassionate and Merciful God enlighten and guide all humans who are truly the apple of His eyes. Amen, a thousand times Amen! (Written by Prof. Henry Francis B. Espiritu on January 26, 2015 at 6:02 PM.)
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 10:55:15 +0000

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