The Illegal BAL govt. n its Terrorist members had been killing - TopicsExpress


The Illegal BAL govt. n its Terrorist members had been killing innocent people n its political rivals in such a fecund land where nooooo tyrants had survived in its shadowy past history… Bangladesh has now been recognized to the entire world as THE LAND OF THE MEDIEVAL BARBARIANS patronized by Bangladesh Awami League alias BAL…The atrocities of THE REIGN OF BAL which the children of this unfortunate era had observed should remain a nightmare in their mild hearts for centuries...People r now tremendously frightened to lead a normal life whilst discovering them confined in the Sanctuary of Deaths that reminds them of aaaaall those formidable abductions and heinous killings occurred right in front of their vicinity...Approximately 900 citizens had been abducted n disappeared for ever each year without any track n trace according to the police records n thousands of silent murders had been left unveiled in the past 07 yrs...BAL Govt. has absolutely failed to provide the security of Human Life whilst on the contrary they were admiring the barbaric killings n were displaying a sheer defiance on thousands of deaths occurred in Bangladesh during the notorious governance of BAL which had resumed after 1972... People must remember that the Iron Handed governance conducted by West Pakistan before Indo-Pak war 1971 was appropriate n perfect for these notorious BAL criminals who always deserve the biggest kicks ever on earth penetrating their dirty ass by the old-rusty boots of West Pakistan Army...these treacherous BAL criminals had been raised as the INTERNATIONAL TERRORISTS by the War Criminal Sheikh Mujib harboured by the Indian Congress had always been engaged in carnage n massacre of numerous innocent n poor people of Bangladesh for last 07 yrs and had still been continuing their gruesome killings without any obstacles being inspired by the BAL Govt. itself... There’s no existence of Human Rights n noooo assurance of any normal death of any of its potential citizens…poor people r treated as slaves n the corruption has been pervaded into the veins of almost every Politician n Civil Servants...Judiciary n the Judges have been corrupted n have turned absolutely controversial by the invisible influence of the BAL Politicians…Judicial Killings…Extra Judicial Killings…Rape…Abduction n Murder r still rampant…The panic stricken children r growing up in a defected community n in a Barbaric Society which would definitely inflict a dreadful impact in their soft mind to disturb their glorious future…Most of the BAL Politicians r rude..aggressive..arrogant n congenital liars...born in the flea infested slums with poverty n hunger…grew up in a sickened n contaminated society surrounded by the guns n criminals…had suddenly appeared as the nucleus of aaaaall the power n boldly proclaimed themselves as the Fuhrer of The Nation being quickly embraced by the political parties corresponding to both of their previous criminal activities… Ancient BAL is toooo late to apprehend the Age of the Gregorian Calendar…This is the year of 2014 n people r now quite intelligent n united to raise their true voice against aaaaall the Crimes n Injustice committed by the BAL Govt…People shall take the worst possible revenge ever n shall love to obliterate BAL as a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION from the face of the planet…. Awami League had all through pleased Indian Congress to remain illegally in power bestowing aaaaall the rights n interests of Bangladeshi people on the mercy of India...They r not patriots n must not be pardoned…They must b hanged without any trial n defence… Just stay cool n enjoy their devastating fall n annihilation of the BAL from Bangladesh by the next 15 yrs...... The nation is now being governed by an illegal n autocrat govt. containing the illegitimate power without the mandate of 180 million people...they define it as democracy…unbelievable... People can see the skeleton of the govt. is just staggering…almost on the very verge of its vertical collapse… Buuuuut never to forget…some industrious slaves r still surviving with wounded limbs being engaged profoundly in excavating the maaaaas graves to enjoy the Live Burials of the most obnoxious n the most hated tyrants of Bangladesh history... They shall be buried alive leaving noooo trail behind them to disturb the fertile soil of Bengal in the passage of its beautiful future… Bangladesh shall smile again…
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 00:31:13 +0000

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