The Industrial Revolution began the process of splitting our - TopicsExpress


The Industrial Revolution began the process of splitting our communities. With the advent of the internet and the smartphones, we have entered a new era: the Impersonal Era - we are connected but disonnected. Online life, or liquid life, coupled with constant gazes at screens - Screen Life, creates a busy life that is empty. It is marked with quick emotional highs that require no real commitment (love, hatred and happiness are symbols instead of words), an occupied soul, full of loneliness. Faith grants us important moments of fellowship and fraternity that combat the Impersonal Age. The prayers in congregation and the community acts of goodness bring greater rewards than individual ones - soup kitchens, spots, camps and protests are not only beneficial to others, but, as Bishop Desmond Tutu noted, are addictive to the mind, bring peace to a person. By serving others, we serve ourselves - we discover our own humanity. Once one of my teachers said to me, I have to be careful about my intention when I serve others? I said, Because of showing off? He said, No, because of the good feeling I get when I serve others. The danger of faith is found in its misunderstanding. That, when it is used to seperate our human communion. We can differ, but our identities should not serve to mark our differences only, but help us identify intersections that strengthen cooperation, community building and bettering the world. There is no compulsion in Religion To be your faith and to mine be mine. Cooperate towards good and righteousness. Come, to a word that is common to us. Take some time out to speak to others, to say hi or engage them. Be a force against the lonely tide. To smile is charity. Prophetic tradition Finally, Imām al-Shāfii used to say, When Im lonely, I speak to Allah. Being single, ayoung professional, divorced or a convert, brings in the tides of loneliness. Handle them by being with God. Remember me; I will remember you.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 17:03:36 +0000

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