The Jews, Bani Azazel The conspirators who pressed & - TopicsExpress


The Jews, Bani Azazel The conspirators who pressed & caused the Romans general Antipas for the most horrible punishment to be awarded to our Magnificent Prophet; Isa Masih; Jesus PBUH, were Jews! So much so that when the Roman military governor or procurator, Pontius Pilate asked the Jews crowd for exercising option to pardon the Jesus Messiah (PBUH) or the notorious robber, Barabbas. The Jews crowd pressed in one voice for execution of the Prophet Isa Ibn Maryam (Jesus) PBUH instead of the Barabbas. (Matthew 27:15, Mark 15:6, John 18:39). The Gospels are also agreed upon that the then Jew religious leaders incited the crowd to agitate for the release of the notorious robber; Barabbas and for the execution of Jesus Messiah. Likewise Judas Iscariot, an apostle of the Prophet Jesus Messiah PBUH, according to the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, betrayed the Prophet Jesus PBUH by handing over him PBUH to the chief priest just for 30 pieces of silver. (Matthew 27:3-5, Acts 1:16-20). The Great Prophet Isa Ibn Maryam PBUH was rescued by Allah Almighty however! The two shrewd magicians, brother & sister; Labed Bin Asam & Labeda Binti Asam were Jews, who wielded their evil witchcraft against the Prophet Mohammad (SAW)! The boy who had stolen & supplied the Holy Hairs of the Final Prophet Mohammad PBUH from His PBUH comb to the above mentioned magicians for the evil purpose, was also a Jew! One of most valuable Muslim Leaders, Omar the Great (RA), the second caliph was martyred by Peruz Nehavandi, Abu Luluah in vengeance of having been given the terrible defeat to the Persians by Him (RA)! Abu Luluah was a Persian Zoroastrian and was covertly instrumental as Jew agent and was the most abhorrent & rancorous person. He was prisoner of war captured in War of Qadsiyya, he was hired by the gang of three, an active evil axis; Abdullah bin Saba, a Jew convert, Harmuzan, a Zoroastrian convert, also a prisoner of war & a Christian convert, Jafeena Al Khalil, a Roman Christian political pawn, for the evil assault against the 2nd Caliph! And this was the reason that Omar Bin Khatabs son, Obaidullah Bin Omar got infuriated by the murder of his father and killed both Harmuzan and Jafeena out of rash in personal capacity and this was the reason that Othman Bin Aaffan, the third Caliph granted pardon & paid the blood money from personal kitty, due to his (Obaidullah) inability to have paid blood money for the double murder! All of the three; Harmuzan (Zoroastrian), who was a defeated Persian governor, Jafeena Al Khalil (Christian) who was a defeated Roman Christian and Abdullah bin Saba (Yemenite Jew) though had apparently converted as Muslim but were the extremist hypocrites and being so were in complete unison & vengeance against the rise of Muslim dominance for obvious reasons & who therefore were actively instrumental against the Islamic Caliphate and had deployed the first ever terrible terrorist outfit, in known history; the Sabaites there against! Again, the same Abdullah bin Saba, who was the founder of the Sabaites was spearheading the venomous propaganda against Othman bin Aaffan (RA), the third Caliph that helped fanning the flames of civil strife and caused the people to rise against the Caliph. And a contingent of Saba’ites, assassinated the Zunnorian, the third Caliph, Othman bin Aaffan (RA). And to get escape of the wrath of Muslims those leading group of Sabaites got penetrated into the forces of fourth Caliph, Alis (RA) forces against the Muawiyyas forces! The Sabaites was the most sanitiser outfit, which was rigorously instrumental in Jang-e-Jamal (War of Camel) as well as in the covert collusive attack on the followers of Aisha (RA), Ummul Mumineen so as to frustrate the truce had been reached between the fourth Caliph Ali & Aisha ( Allah may be pleased with them)! Subsequently that very contingent of the Saba’ites defected and turned against Caliph Ali as well and another Sabaite zealot; Abd-Al-Rahman Ibn Muljam Al Sarimi martyred Him (RA) by stabbing! And thence-from those defectors came to be known as the most notorious & formidable outfit Khawarij (Kharijites) commonly, which literally means to those who leave or those who secede.And who would play havoc against the Muslims from within for centuries to pass! A little bit about Abdullah Bin Sabah! He was son of Saba bin Shamun, a Jew, who was aggrieved of expelling the Jews from Madinah by the Prophet Mohammad PBUH, for their constant conspiracies that were being hatched out every now & then against the tendered age Islamic State of Medinah! It was none other than the Abdullah bin Saba, who coined & used publicly the terms; Shiaan-e-Ali & Shiaan-e-Muawiyya for them and stood successful in creating the first ever & the most tragic split among the Muslims!!! His father, Saba bin Shamun, along with his cohorts were also aggressively instrumental with the arch-hypocrites, Abd-Allah bin Obai, for having been thwarted the scheme of the later as King of Medinah due to arrival of Prophet Mohammad PBUH to Medinah Munawarah at Hijrat from Makkah Mukaramah! Thereafter, another Saba; Hassan bin Saba came up, who established & organised the most terrible terrorist force in a very scientific way by setting up a formidable network in a fortress known as Alamut in Alborz mountainous inaccessible terrain in the northern Iran! He was also formerly a Jew convert as Nizari Ismaili and was the mastermind of terrible terrorist force; the suicidal attackers aka as hashshashins or assassins and he was also actually a Jews pawn! The hardly accessible Fortress of Alamut aka Ferdos-e-Baren was a stronghold & base camp for all the subversive activities against the Muslims successive leaderships by constantly recruiting, grooming, training & deploying the suicide attackers there against!!! It wont be wrong if I conclude that no war has taken this much number of death toll of Muslims ever, as resulted in the wars against the Sabaites, Kharijites & Assassins throughout the Muslims history!!! Every cell of the Jews satanic mind was always behind the Sabaites, Kharijites & Assassins, who would wreak havoc in Muslims unity & folds for centuries! The constant defiant & cruel nature of Jews was the reason when Allah Almighty striped the Jews of the leadership, for they were not going to recover ever, like there mastermind; Azazel. And same is case today, Jews are as security risk for world peace as they were before, rather more than before! In the recent history also it was a Jew who planed & executed the evil conspiracy of setting on fire the Al Beth Al Maqdis in Al Qods Al Sharif! They were also two Jews; Ben Shoshan & Yehuda Etzion, members of the Gush Emunim Underground, plotted in 1980 to blow up the Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock (القبته الصخره) in Al-Qods Al-Asharif! Likewise, when some rare arrangement was about to have been realised between Palestine Leader, Yasar Arafat & Jews PM, Yitzhak Rabin, a Jew extremist, Mr. Yigal Amir Killed the Jew PM of Jews on Nov 4, 1995 and so blocked the hard-reached agreement for ever! The Karl Marx again was also a Jew who conceived & coined the Communism, which would take the heaviest human death toll as the aftermath thereof all over the world in world history! The person who succeeded in making the first ever weapon of mass destruction; code name, the little baby; first Atomic Bomb, was the Albert Einstein, a Jew & which was used for the first time in human history by the US against Japan in Hiroshima! He was the person who succeeded in making the second weapon of mass destruction; code name: the fat baby, the second Atomic Bomb, which was also used by the US against Japan in Nagasaki and which proved as the game changer!!! To sabotage Pak Nuclear Tests in 1998, Jews were the first who carried out hectic efforts overtly & covertly with their spiritual brothers; Hindus to be sabotaged! Had Hindus not gone on back foot, what would have been the disastrous as the aftermath??? /\/\/\ aftab alam advocate High Court Swat
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 15:49:41 +0000

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