The Khawarij ideology is picking up momentum nowadays due to their - TopicsExpress


The Khawarij ideology is picking up momentum nowadays due to their superb PR and domination over the social networking. Scholars are blamed for not standing against this sect whom our Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam warned us from. Their silence is highly appreciated and praised by this deviant sect. The youth with their impulsiveness and lack of knowledge are like a time bomb if used by the wrong people. They are impressed by the Khawarij rhetoric and their false claims. They always talk about fighting for justice and to help the oppressed Muslims! Does it sound as if you have heard this before? In Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam gave money to some of the new Muslims. A man who probably was angered for not getting a thing said: Fear Allah, you were not fair and just! It was the safe false claim of justice back then as it is now! Omer and Khalid wanted to kill him but the Prophet forbade them from doing this. He told us that “from the offspring of this man, there will be youth. He described them as reciting the Quran, praying and fasting where we would belittle our forms of worship compared to them”. The Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam told us that “they go out of Islam as quick as an arrow penetrates a pray”! The Prophet added: “if I were to see them, I would annihilate them like the killing of A’ad and Thamoud”. The Khawarij are the killers of Othman and of Ali, may Allah be pleased with them. May Allah protect us from their deviancy. We have to save our youth from falling into their trap and being deceived by them. Let us join hands in exposing the enemies of Islam whom our Prophet ordered us to eradicate. They are the worst and wrong representatives of Islam. They are like cancer that is spreading in the Muslim Ummah and must be exposed and fought publically. Governments in the west must bring independent scholars to meet the youth in their countries and educate them to eliminate such ideology. Now, let us analyze what was said above and count the comments that have no relationship to this post! Look how many people will talk negatively about King Abdullah and watch the profanity and filthy words used by these Khawarij sheikh assim al hakim
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 05:45:44 +0000

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