The LUO are increasingly being seen as a violent community - TopicsExpress


The LUO are increasingly being seen as a violent community courtesy of a few who must have their way and no one else opinion counts. They are the people who believe that if you see anything wrong with ODM then you are a Jubilee mole, If you think Raila has made a mistake then you are an Uhuru supporter. If you think there is something wrong in the LUO community that need to be sorted then You are anti-Raila.They believe they are the protectors of Raila and anyone who opposes him must be dealt with physically. In the media they keep on invoking his name, in public functions, on radio talk shows and TV interviews, yet these are the people we bank on to one day lead us when Raila retires. Raila has proved that he can fight his wars and win and needs no protection from anyone. He dealt with Moi, Kibaki and now Uhuru and in the court of Public opinion, he won against them. So these self seekers must stop invoking his name to justify their bad manners among his supporters. An MP once told me on Live Radio that when Railas name is mentioned he trembles. All Raila needs is respect not to be worshiped.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 19:11:37 +0000

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