The Lady in the Silk Gown CHAPTER 1 I hate warm muggy nights. - TopicsExpress


The Lady in the Silk Gown CHAPTER 1 I hate warm muggy nights. Up above thunder and lightning raged war but didnt bring relief. Even the bay refuses to relent and share its cooling breeze. Might as well turn in for the night, only problem is...Im goin to dream again. its summer, night time, a warm night with a cool breeze. I remember sitting at the Gazebo by the Majestic, then I see a lady in a long white silk gown flowing in the wind curls her finger beckoning me to follow. I feel her soft hand embrace my cheek as she smiles while her finger trails from my face. Her perfume enrages my senses as I follow. I run down west street slowly making sure to be cautious. I can feel the pavement on my bare feet. Every small pebble and stone pierces my skin but I keep running. My fingers rub against the brick, wood and stucco buildings. The nights moisture, the coldness of the asphalt, sharpness of brick the texture of the window panes sends shivers up my spine. I can see my reflection in the window panes pass by me quickly in succession. The coolness of freshly fallen leaves embrace my senses and gives me new life to push on. Still she beckons me to follow. Her laughter echoes off the buildings and fills the eerie night. She dances in circles. Up and down both sides of the street she flows. Not once does she take her eyes off me. Still she beckons me to follow. Up above the sky is painted with stars as a moon casts a bluish hue filling the note. All around me a bluish tint surrounds me. She dances around the light polls waving me on. Her silk gown flowing in the wind dancing as she moves, it hugs her curves tightly and excites me. Her hair catches the moon light and shines sharply as she beckons me to follow. I meet her at the cenotaph, her soft creamy arms wrap around me gently pulling me to her crimson lips as she smiles. I close my eyes readying myself for a lustful embrace, instead a sharp razor like sting tears into my flesh. Soul ripping screams echo off the buildings. I try to fight the intruder free from my dying body. Frantically two bodies fall to the due soaked ground. Blood flows freely and sprays against the army monuments as Im pushed down. Visions of lust fill my mind and suddenly I relax. I can feel my hands pull this monster deeper into my neck and I cant stop myself. She looks up only for a moment grinning a crimson crusted smile. Itll only hurt but for a minute. She latches back onto my neck. Deep within her throat the beast came loose. her teeth gripped deep and hard as flesh ripped tearing open. My eyes rolled back into my head as I tried to catch my breath. I can see death standing, waiting, smiling. Second by second my life falls free from my already dead body. For a millisecond I found strength and pushed this thing off me. I started to convulse violently. My heart exploded in my chest. Everything went dark without warning. An eerie silence filled my ears and then I woke up reborn. I had been baptized in an eternal damnation. Every color, every sound,texture, felt a hundred times more intense....and then I seen Her. She sat back against a glass door laughing sarcasm uncontrollably. Her white gown clung to her body in a dry crusted hue or red. I can feel a powerful rage surge through my new body that seemed to guide me and gave me focus. Every sound, every crook and cranny rang aloud welcoming me into a new world of fascination and excitement. I looked to my hands as I curled them into a fist enjoying the over powering surge of inhuman strength. For a moment fear over took my senses and I began to freak out. But, something inside, something darker than my soul; darker than the depths of the eternal night gave me reassurance.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 03:54:59 +0000

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