The Law of Attraction... and You! If you do not think that you - TopicsExpress


The Law of Attraction... and You! If you do not think that you possess the “qualifications” necessary for accomplishing your inspiration, you are probably correct. The person you are today will need to make changes, grow personally and professionally and develop a state of mind that is probably quite different from what you currently possess. And while you might not have imagined yourself capable of these changes you are… as long as you begin to push yourself to do what you have not done before. Your development is a natural outcome of your directed action. Having a major idea that requires the channeling of your energies, time and concentration provides a cohesiveness that fuels personal growth. This learning is different than school or other traditional forms of education and the results are faster and more measurable. If money, expertise and other resources are not in your grasp, how then can you reasonably expect to complete your quest?The answer is quite simple and has four primary components: First, by taking action on an idea you begin to focus your attention on things that are related to your concept. Anyone who is thinking about buying a specific model of a car begins to notice that the roads are filled with them, where before they may have hardly noticed any. This principle will help you begin to see connections in places you hadn’t before. In fact, the more you focus, the more frequently you will recognize that relevant information is everywhere. Newspapers, talk shows, co-workers and friends will amazingly present information and resources that might range from a recent study that supports the need for your idea to a friend of a co-worker who knows someone who is interested in investing in ideas just like yours. In reality nothing amazing has taken place other than the fact that this information draws your attention and the attention of others where it wouldn’t have before. Your focus will also trigger changes in your behavior that will begin to reveal information and ideas that you were previously unaware of. Perhaps you have never read The Wall Street Journal before because you didn’t think it was interesting. Of course you would read it if a friend told you that the Journal had an article related to your purpose in that day’s edition. In that issue you also might find an array of other information that is relevant to your mission such as start-up investment ideas and business profiles of executives who might have knowledge relevant to your concerns. The key lesson here is that the Wall Street Journal has been around for a long time and through the years a great deal of information would have been quite valuable to you. But now that you have a definite purpose for that information you are willing to read it. Soon you may become a daily Wall Street Journal reader something you might not have ever previously thought was possible. This is only one small example of the new way in which you will process information and accumulate resources from your sense of purpose. Imagine what will happen when you begin to make significant changes in your behavior and take action based on research and planning. When you focus your thoughts and actions in areas that are directly related to your purpose you will expose yourself to ideas and opportunities that you could never see from where you are right now. They are there… but you will never see them unless you get close to them through your new behaviors. You may attend lectures, you might call a leading expert, and you might send an e-mail to someone in Australia working on a similar project. Who knows what you might do, but realize that whatever it is will be very different from what you currently are doing. These variables begin to set in motion change in your life. These changes are within your abilities and can positively effect everything around you. You cannot see them before you take action, but you will soon thereafter see and benefit from them. The second component is what some call an attraction principle, many others call it faith. Somehow if you begin along a path of absolute conviction, unwavering action and commitment your needs will become fulfilled. This doesn’t mean that there won’t be some adversity; in fact you should expect it. This doesn’t mean that it will happen in the time frame that you desire or that you won’t have to adjust your vision. And it certainly doesn’t mean that sitting back wishing and even praying without action will make it happen. It does mean however, that if you trust yourself enough to begin, continue when others use various forms of manipulation to convince you to stop and learn to look to yourself as the catalyst and as a beacon, you will have what you need. This doesn’t come naturally… believe me when I say it needs to be learned… but your mind and emotions can be controlled. Found only within this control is your Emotional Freedom. Its not important whether you believe in or understand faith at the beginning, but you will need to understand a related concept. You must maintain absolute conviction that you will successfully complete your mission. This commitment will bring the amount of perseverance that you will require to continue your efforts even in the face of adversity. This type of dedication always brings results. Component three recognizes that there are people all around the world who are engaged in the pursuit of meaningful ideas and objectives. These people seek out and open their doors to others who share the same purpose. They are skilled at recognizing truly inspired people and want to help them. Business leaders, doctors, lawyers, accountants and professors are among those who have an abundance of skills and knowledge that they will feel very good about sharing with you if you can exhibit courageous action towards a purpose that they share. Before they will lend their cooperation they will look for concrete evidence that you are worthy of their energy. They won’t expect perfection but they will expect to see your work. The key to establishing productive relationships with these people is to give something of value to them before asking them for something in return. Do this without attaching conditions and an implied quid pro quo as they will see right through it. Spend some time anticipating what their needs are ahead of time and it will be fairly easy to identify something that they will want. If you are sincere with your gift of time, effort or whatever…you will attract their assistance down the road. Most people seek the leadership of someone able to direct them towards success. It all begins with your ability to accomplish what you are capable of by eliminating all excuses for not moving forward. This will allow you to become that leader. Your personal changes, initiative and courage will demonstrate to the world your deservedness of resources. In many cases it is the chance to be in on the ground floor of an opportunity that makes helping you very appealing. In other instances it is an opportunity to do something meaningful with their skills. They will watch what you do first to see if you deserve their attention and efforts. They may also wait until such time as the amount of risk is lowered to a threshold that is more suitable to them. So again, you must do all that you are capable of, the rest will come from others who see you as a committed leader. The desire of people to grab hold of their “champion” or someone they see as able to provide guidance is very strong. In fact, when people recognize a truly inspired person, they will do many things that wouldn’t be considered rational. They will perform tasks beneath and above their current standing. They may even work for free at times. These are the advantages of the champion not the conman. This type of cooperation is afforded to the person who gives what they can’t afford to and does more than people would expect of them. If your aspirations and actions are not true to the principles of honesty you will quickly lose these benefits and begin to suffer consequences including conflict, disloyalty and other negative situations. Along with technology… these new people in your life will bring forward your highest level of Intellectual Freedom… certainly higher than what you can imagine from where you are at this moment in time. Make your W.A.Y. towards these others. Finally, beyond your words and your actions an energy will emit from you when you are on purpose. You will radiate... and many will interpret this energy as enthusiasm and confidence and as a result you will unlock ideas and cooperation from those whom you interact. Remember, each time you perform a task within your means you demonstrate faith in your purpose and each time you avoid doing what you can... you demonstrate a lack of faith in your purpose. These are the simple decisions that determine the essence others will react to in you.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 11:56:50 +0000

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