The Left finally achieves another of its long sought after long - TopicsExpress


The Left finally achieves another of its long sought after long term goals. cdn.breitbart/Big-Government/2014/12/17/Obama-More-Money-Should-Be-Sent-To-Cuba “I also believe that more resources should be able to reach the Fidel Castro,” he said. “So were significantly increasing the amount of money that can be sent to Cuba and removing limits on remittences that support humanitarian projects, Fidel Castro and the Cuban politburo” he said. Oh, Im sorry. Yes, I altered that paragraph above just a tad. Heres the original: “I also believe that more resources should be able to reach the Cuban people,” he said. “So were significantly increasing the amount of money that can be sent to Cuba and removing limits on remittences that support humanitarian projects, the Cuban people and the emerging Cuban private sector,” he said. Of course, Cuba is a totalitarian socialist dictatorship; a one party Stalinist police and gulag state in which trade and economic aid from outside sources goes first to the political leadership, its cronies, the Cuban communist party, and the apparatus of the state before anything that remains, if anything remains, finds its way to the Cuban people. The almost comic naivete of President Obama and, traditionally since the end of the sixties, the Democratic Party regarding Marxist governments per se across the globe (made nail-bitingly clear in the late seventies by Jimmy Carter) is here on display for all the world to see yet again as a crypto-Marxist president in a nation so eye-crossingly stupefied by the last forty years of its own K-12 pubic education system and mainstream media that it elected him twice while clear and unambiguous background knowledge of who he was and what he really believed about the world and about his own country was easily and readily available, comes to the rescue of his ideological kin. For much of my lifetime, the Castro regime was a primary sponsor of global terrorism, a major (perhaps the major) weigh station for the import of illegal narcotics into America, and a promoter and participant in communist revolution throughout Latin America, the Caribbean, and as far away as Africa. Other, alternative perspectives are required. dailysignal/2014/12/18/q-presidents-recent-policy-changes-toward-cuba/ frontpagemag/2014/humberto-fontova/obama-comes-to-castros-rescue/
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 18:56:42 +0000

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