The Lessons I have learnt on This Journey by Chukwudi - TopicsExpress


The Lessons I have learnt on This Journey by Chukwudi Iwuchukwu. You are a young person,in your twenties,thirties or forties and you choose to or you want to travel the uncharted road. By uncharted road; I mean starting a business, any start up,pioneering an app or grooming your talent in order to commercialize it Congratulations. Fate favors the brave, I have learnt over the time. I want to share with you and other friends the lessons I have learnt from my own personal intense journey Dont expect your journey to be an easy ride,if it is that easy,it shows that it is not worth the stress. In this journey,you will experience nerve wrecking moments,days that will question your ability and your faith in God but if you hold on to your dreams and cultivate that staying power,that big break will come very soon I was 27 when I launched out,I started from the scratch and I had nothing except my faith in God,belief in my incredible talent,support from my good friends Ebuka Aniakor and Chijioke Ezekpudoghu and most especially believing on fate, looking back on what we have achieved,the places we have been to and the amazing people we have met in this journey,I told myself yes,the gamble was worth it. But wait for this;I have started growing white hairs,not because Im too old , Im 28 years but the stress,the sleepless night and the sheer incredible energy that comes with travelling this uncharted road triggered that . Do you notice that Fashola and President Good Luck are growing grey hairs and looking older? That is the price they paid for leaving their comfort zones Look for mentors: People who will direct you and look out for opportunities for you. Hear this; your mentors must be secure enough to allow you to shine more than them. Dont adopt people who are petty and are unsecure . In looking for mentors,go beyond your environment,your tribe and your circle of friends. Look for people who are higher than you in Life and can add value to your life. I have two;one is Yoruba and the other an American,their mission in my life is simple,to be all that God created me to be. I can call them at any time and they wont see my call as disturbing or my presence a nuisance. They are fulfilled when they see me succeeding and that is why they are my mentors People will shut doors at you,your proposals will be bounced and not replied in most cases. Corporate Brands will tell you No,your proposal is not what they are looking for Keeping knocking,dont despair: When all the doors are closed on your face,believe me,one day the sun will shine on you. One door will open for you and then, you will remember how you toiled and begged people for the same opportunity in the past You will get broke as you are starting,that is one ugly truth that is inevitable,unless you have other side hustles or mysterious angel investor that invested in your business, if not ,be ready to depend on friends and family for tips and stipends for your survival and paying of bills. it does not mean your story will remain this pathetic forever,no my dear friend. It is a phase and process you have to pass through to get to where you are going. I once read of how Barrister Jimoh Ibrahim of Energy group trekked from Ikeja to Yaba because he could not afford transport fare. What of popular Blogger Linda Ikeji who once went to withdraw 500 Naira that was her last money because she was broke. ATM refused to pay and she went home empty handed. Today, these individuals are so wealthy that they dont know what to do with money, but remember they did not become rich overnight, they were not overnight sensation. They went through the process you are going through now. Trust me,the world will hear your story Finally,you have to be your biggest cheer leader,projections may not work the way you initially thought and planned it to be. People will disappoint you, your proposal will be rejected,the money may not be flowing in the way you thought it would but despite all these set backs,you have to motivate yourself,cheer yourself up that you will get there soon. Nobody will do that for you, we are all fighting our unique battles and so you have to fight your own battle Your parents will disown you,your peers will questions your sanity,friends will mock you,keep trudging on,dont lose focus of the big picture,continue to do that thing you enjoy doing,even without the money, you will still do it for free Before I go,let me drop this: not all who choose to embark on this journey will succeed and make something out of the journey,some will drop by the way while others will not finish well. That is cruel fate for you. Fate will favour those it choose to while the rest will get disillusioned and quit. I pray that wont be your story. Space wont allow me to share my other experiences but will write again soon. I wish you well in your own Journey. Hope to see you at the top Regards Barrister Chukwudi Iwuchukwu
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 17:01:01 +0000

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