The Life of Jesus Christ R B Thieme III Berachah Church January - TopicsExpress


The Life of Jesus Christ R B Thieme III Berachah Church January 26, 2014 Notes The Lord Jesus Christ did not let people walk all over Him He had incredible humility He never backed down in confrontation with the Pharisees. The Pharisees always did the same things when they came after Him. He always presented a different doctrine when they came after Him. John 8 The Lord is in the Temple. He is giving five of His greatest discourses. The Light of the World Discourse The Lord says “I am the Light of the World” “I am the Light of Life” They heard this discourse, accused Him of fraud and false testimony. He countered them with a devastating critique. John 8:19b “You don’t know either Me or My Father. If you knew Me, you would know My Father also.” They have claimed to know the Father, to even represent Him. They say they are intimate with God. But religion and legalism cannot know God. Religion and legalism does not accept the grace of God especially. Human viewpoint is blinded to the Truth of God. The Lord has no choice but to tell them the result of their rejection. This is His next discourse. Every unbeliever should give this some consideration. Unbelievers say Jesus cannot be Who He says He is. They have taken up where the Pharisees left off. Jesus tells them the results of unbelief. John 8:21 “You will die in your sins“ Does that sound like a meek Jesus? NO! Then He says “Where I am going, you cannot come” Condemnation and eternal residence in the Lake of Fire. They will reside in Hell, they will never see Heaven. They will never see the vaulted Kingdom of God. Just because they are sons of Abraham does not mean they will see Heaven. The Lord is saying after He departs, they will never see Him again - until the Last Judgment or Great White Throne. Then they will be cast into Hell forever. The Pharisees are mocking Jesus Christ - they are making it clear that He cannot escape their vengeance. They are being sarcastic here. They are using the method of suicide as their sarcastic subject. They believe that if you commit suicide you go straight to hell. You are not condemned if you commit suicide - as a believer, suicide cannot send you to hell. “Surely He will not kill Himself, will he?” They were laughing because they believed there was no where He could go to escape them. How can He say where I am going you cannot come - they thought He was speaking of hell. They thought they were a sure thing for the Kingdom of God. The Lord does not answer this sarcasm. They are in for a rude awakening. He reverses the situation. They are headed straight for it, He will be in Heaven and they can’t follow. “You are from below, I am from above. You are of this world, I am not of this world. Therefore I said to you, you will die in your sins for unless you believe that I AM, you will die in your sins.” When He says “I AM” He is saying God. YHWH in the Old Testament. At the burning Bush, Moses asked His Name and He said “I AM that I AM” or YHWH, duplication of the verb “to be”. I AM is absolute existance. Jesus Christ is saying He is God when He says “I AM”. He is claiming Deity. If He says “I AM” He is God. He is standing before them as Man. This is the doctrine of the Hypostatic Union. Unless they believe in Him, they are the ones who will die, they cannot follow Him. What do they say? John 8:25 Who are you? There is a question there, and how dare you say this according to the Pharisees They refused to believe They oppose Him in every possible claim He makes and in every possible way They souls are charcoal. Nothing can come into their souls because they are blacked out. They have a hardness of heart. There is a lot of scar tissue in their souls. Millions of people have scar tissue on their souls. 1. Scar tissue is the result of prolonged residence and function inside what we call the Cosmic System. The Cosmic System is that which man embraces as truth and comes straight from the great deceiver himself, Satan. 2. Scar tissue of the soul has a detrimental effect on every part of the soul. 3. Scar tissue blocks objectivity in decision making. It does substitute emotion. One with scar tissue lives by emotion. 4. IN the Pharisees, scar tissue causes jealousy, hated, vindictiveness which is common in these religious leaders. 5. The Pharisees are scarred by Satan’s ace trump - religion. Nothing is more scaring than legalism of religion - it is as far away from God’s grace as possible. You cannot even understand Gospel of Grace with scar tissue. 6. They have negated their own volition by legalistic thinking and practices. 7. The result: they are bent on disposing of Jesus Christ in any way they can so His message can’t be perpetuated. Did they stop Him? Of course not. His message was written after His crucifixion and ascension even until now. You cannot be defeated any more than God’s Word can be defeated. HE cannot be crushed, nor can you. They can kill you but they can’t keep you out of Heaven and they can’t keep doctrine from marching on after you are gone. He is describing how vicious negative volition is in people. People can hate you for professing the name of Christ. II Thess 2:10 This passage describes what Jesus Christ is talking about. This is a tribulational passage This describes such men as the Pharisees. “With all of the deception of wickedness, for those who perish, who are destroyed by own arrogance, blindness of soul because they reject the Gospel, because they did not receive the love of the Truth. For this reason, God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false. There is the result of scar tissue. God desires that all men be saved. When people refuse to even consider the Truth, God lets them pursue the consequences of their unbelief. Such people fall deeper into a pattern of rejection, to active resistance of Christ. Called a “Strong Deluding Influence” Human viewpoint 3 Categories that can be rejected because of Strong Delusion Includes the Gospel (for unbeliever) Includes Bible doctrine (for the believer) Includes Laws of Divine establishment (both believers and unbelievers) Anyone who rejects the Truth in any of these three categories will be enslaved to the lie They will become vulnerable to Satanic influence in their soul Souls are real. It is like a vacuum. Whatever is in the soul is brought in by the vacuum. When doctrine comes into the soul, the soul is filled with Divine viewpoint. When there is scar tissue, what is brought into the soul? A lie. Falsehood. The only thing left in the soul is falsehood. That is all sorts of Satanic lies and human viewpoint. You either think with divine viewpoint or you think with human viewpoint. II Thess 2:11 tells us exactly what happens to those who are negative. You wonder why Christianity is reviled and opponents are elevated? Why Christianity might be persecuted? This is why Delusions Unreality
Posted on: Sun, 09 Feb 2014 03:30:35 +0000

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