The Lord has blessed me with a very unique family. We have been - TopicsExpress


The Lord has blessed me with a very unique family. We have been through so much together; many ups, many downs, much laughter, some sad times ~ I would never consider my family normal, and I prefer it that way. I love these people. I find the hardest people to share Christ with is my family/relatives. Isnt that odd? The people I love the most I have the hardest time talking about Jesus with. Psalm 25:11 says... For the honor of your name, O Lord, forgive my many, many sins. I have such a hard time sharing my faith with relatives because they know my many faults and flaws.They know my past (although once you accept Christ, those are forgiven). They know I am a sinner. Here is where it becomes hard ~ once we develop a relationship with God, and truly accept Him into our hearts everything is forgiven, everything ~ the hard part is making an unbeliever realize that. You may wonder why this is on my heart ~the holidays are coming, which means family. Some of which you (and I) will come in contact with are not saved, and/or are not living for Christ. I encourage all of us to pray for our unsaved family members. Pray for the ones we love the most. Ask The Lord to give you the words they need to hear to save the ones that mean so much to you. Will it be easy? Probably not. But if you seek The Lord first we can do it. All In
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 11:11:21 +0000

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