The Lord’s Prayer 3 John 17:16-21 [Verse 16] They are NOT - TopicsExpress


The Lord’s Prayer 3 John 17:16-21 [Verse 16] They are NOT of this world. He didn’t say they are not of this earth because that’s what your body is made of. In other words they don’t think like darkness because they are not of darkness led teachings that agree with the physical that is to be changed by you speaking Gods Words to it. They don’t act like darkness, because they are created in your image and not the image of darkness. They don’t hear the same things because they are sitting in your throne to hear directly from Holy Spirit as Yeshua said is possible. They don’t agree with the “oh woe is me” group. They walk above and not beneath. They don’t identify with anything in the world because they are not of it. Why can’t any of you identify with Yeshua/Jesus who said which one of you can convince Me of sin [the nature of not mistake making from bad teachings]. If you are a new creation, have His Righteousness and True Holiness and that is what you believe over Satan’s pathological liars, then you not only can, but have to say the same thing as God says you are or you are calling God a liar. Now don’t shout at me because I quoted God directly as I am supposed to! I keep telling you there is only one thing that comes out of the word “but” and that is the dross as Yeshua/Jesus called it that you allowed yourself to eat and get into your body. Why would anyone want to eat DUNG when Jesus prepares such a beautiful table for you before your enemy? The one name of Satan is Beelzebub and that is the word DUNG. Are we to believe our flesh that tells us we are sick over God who says by His stripes you WERE healed? Is your flesh greater than Gods Word? God says, here have some Wine of Holy Spirit, Honey from the honey comb, Bread of Life, Milk and Meat of the Word, Water from My wells of Salvation and you say no thanks God, man says this dung from Satan is better. How many in this class have ever asked yourself what is the scent of water in Job; 14:9. Does an animal have to see water to know where you put the water dish? Doesn’t an animal sniff the scent of water? Can’t you scent to fragrance of Gods Pure cleansing water over the stagnant death pools of Satan? I have to praise Him again. I notice that some of you got your feet to dancing also as you joined in. I guess that is why I don’t get too many speaking engagements. I love to tell the gospel Truth and get excited doing so. I am free to preach Gods word to the world! That’s another thing. The Word says they that preach the gospel must live by the gospel, so tell me why are pastors and their congregation so sick all the time? I had a preacher one time call me at home and tell me he needed me to lay hands on him so he could get to the church and preach. I asked him if he wanted to be taught how to be free from that and he said “no, I don’t believe the same as you do.” I said then why are you calling me and he said because you get results. WOW! You tell people to get out of their death preaching doctrinal churches and they say “BUT,” I’ll miss my friends. I had someone tell me, well when I get sick again I’ll just call you. I said don’t bother. They said you mean you wouldn’t lay hands on me again? I said, no, you have chosen to walk in a sin unto death lifestyle and Gods Word says to not pray for it or not to lay hands on anyone suddenly because they make an open show of Calvary in mockery. Jesus didn’t lay hands on every living human at His time either. [Verse 17] Sanctify #37 [purify, make holy, consecrate mentally and set them apart] them through your Truth and your [Father Gods] Word is Truth. Every one of those meanings is what He just previously prayed and He [Yeshua] is Truth and He [Yeshua] is the Word. God cleanses you white as snow which is purification and adding what man says is putting the yellow stuff from Satan into it. You receive Gods Holiness because that’s how He created you. You have to renew your mind to His Word only, which is consecrated to Truth only and that is what Yeshua/Jesus just prayed to happen to mankind who becomes born again. Why would Yeshua want to come die such a horrible death as He did is you are to still struggle and are still subject to the elements of the Earth you are over and in charge of? If nothing changed from what the lost go through, then He came in vain and is a liar. [Verse 18] As you sent Me into the world or the inhabitants of the Earth that are living in darkness, I have sent them to give them your Light. You are not called to suffer Calvary, but you are called as Yeshua/Jesus was to manifest the Father and His Character. You were also commissioned to reconcile the world to God and God to the world through the ministry of reconciliation. You were called to Bless and curse not [which means to agree with the physical] so you can inherit blessings. The whole Earth or firm land waits for the manifestation of the sons of God, not Gods Son Yeshua/Jesus of God, until now. The Earth itself is saying come on little anointed ones [Christ = anointed and Ians = ones], listen to God only who lives in you and wants to speak to you in His Spirit language and free us. This is why Yeshua/Jesus had twelve disciples to train them and they train others how to walk in the anointing, but Judas chose to remain in sin and unlearned of God and His ways. Oh, Judas knew the Law of Moses which was there to show what needed to be done in the spirit to correct it, but that isn’t life. The Law of Moses only points to the giver of Life who is the only one who can bring change. Judas walked in the flesh led rules and missed out and people are still doing it today. [Verse 19] And for their sakes I sanctify Myself. He is, was and always will be Pure, Holy, Mentally correct, so he must mean I set Myself apart to train and work with them to develop the same ten quality essences He did. God doesn’t set you over here and He remains over somewhere else. He is one with Yeshua/Jesus and is to be one with you who is in you and not separated. He set Himself as sanctified so that we can be also. That doesn’t sound like you are still trapped in sin and can’t get loose! It sounds like He made you free and the water of His word you speak sets you apart from sin and now you are free to walk in Him. I still would like to know how the miry clay of sin got on and in Yeshua/Jesus the Solid Rock! Oh, I know, when you were just in the sea of sin you had no way of keeping your head above sinking into oblivion and on the Rock Jesus at least if things get too bad, you can stand on His head and at least breath until somehow God says enough and takes you home. Either that or when Jesus sees you are beat up and the water is about to over run you, he carries you because He can walk on water and saves you from going under for the last time. GET REAL PEOPLE that isn’t salvation! People how can you listen to this kind of preaching the churches are preaching? Get into the Truth of Gods Word. [Verse 20] Ah, now for comes the answer for those who think that all this and tongues too was just for the disciples. Neither pray I or [the Lords prayer] for these alone, but for those which will believe “ON” me, not “in” like the world and unlearned say, but through their Word that matches the Truth and produces the Truth and they have become one with you Father and one with Me. Every one that calls themself Christian should be able by Gods provisions say as Yeshua/Jesus did, “if you have seen Me you have seen the Father.” You should be so occupied with what Yeshua/Jesus said He gave you, that no man could ever hint of persuading you to think anything else is true. Why do you think Paul said to the Philippians in Chapter 2, Let or cause this mind to be in you that was in Christ Jesus/anointed Yeshua who thought it not robbery to be equal with God. He was just quoting the Lord in His prayer for man. Gods Word says “as He is so are we in the Earth’ in 1 John 4:17, so is Yeshua/Jesus a sinner? The Word says we are in Him and He is in us, so is sin in Him and if so then if you claim it is still in you and the Blood was of no effect? Why are you still conscious of sin unto dead works and not developing the Righteousness of Christ in you? Who gives a rats tail about the faults and learned habits you did when you were alive to sin. Those are the things you subdue and take dominion over by speaking the word to them. They are not in you but with you as long as that is what you see and dwell on. Lay them aside and run the race unencumbered! Are Jesus and Paul wasting their breath in Philippians 3:13-14? Why don’t you do as it says in Colossians 2:19-23 and leave those doctrines of man behind? Do you think they apply only when you get to heaven? If we are His epistles that are to match His Words as being the epistle of God, then what are you showing God and the world? You know where Paul got the idea of “as He is so are we” and “let this mind be in you as it was in Christ Jesus” as to oneness? Out of Yeshua/Jesus statement in John 10:34-38 of marvel not that I say unto you it is written in the Law which you keep breaking because you are not of My sheep as He said in verses 25-30, that you are gods. He sees you as a son of His Sperm. He was quoting Psalms 82:6-8. In that verse He says you will die like you are still under the first Adams nature and not alive in the second Adams quickening Spirit. Here is another misquoted and misprinted man knowledge thing. God made man a little lower than ELOHIM not the angels that Gods Word was changed to. I didn’t write the Word, God did, so all you who want to be under the Law of Moses, why can’t you walk in the Law of being gods and Gods Sperm produced sons? You are too busy tearing your clothes instead of your hearts. Do you think God trains the enemy’s sons? No, Yeshua/Jesus through Holy Spirit trains His called out ones on how to walk in freedom from the curses. We are His sent out ones or ambassadors as Yeshua/Jesus was the Fathers. [Verse 21] Here is where Jesus says what the whole purpose of His prayer is. That they all [or the born again ones who no longer believe or think like the world but think like God does and are called His body with Him as the head speaking the same thing] may be ONE as you are in Me and I in you and both us in them. He repeats Himself in almost every verse of this prayer of being one with Him with no separation because you aren’t thinking on a sin level, but as He is so are you and Christ mind that walks in equality. This is what the PROPHETS, APOSTLES, EVANGELISTS, PASTORS and TEACHERS are to be perfecting the saints to learn how to walk in. The proof of this oneness walking is so the world, unlearned, death speakers and walkers may believe the Truth and that God sent Yeshua/Jesus to preach as the gospel of freedom from sins clutches. You went from being just a created being to a Sperm born son or chip off the Rock. Why would Jesus write and say any of these things in this Book if they were not Gods Truth? Wouldn’t that put Him as being one with Satan the father of lies and not God who is the only Truth? Your death teachings are why it is so hard for you to believe the very prayer of Yeshua/Jesus. No wonder He wept over unbelief! You say Lord I love you and yet don’t believe what He Himself said, but will listen to man who brings only death words. Love believes the God who is Love. In every one of these verses Yeshua/Jesus and Father sees His born again sons as equals and one with Him and no separation and that’s all man should be taught to see. It is like that Satan inspired song of Bette Midler of “God is watching you from a distance.” Satan is dancing with gladness over that trash song. Prophet Joe
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 13:41:36 +0000

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