The Milk Rant ( a.k.a. It Is Ok To Go Dairy) :Whenever I tell - TopicsExpress


The Milk Rant ( a.k.a. It Is Ok To Go Dairy) :Whenever I tell someone I drink organic dairy milk, they attempt an assault of half-baked diatribe about the dangers and moral travesty of still drinking milk. This is the official position of my office: 1. The contention that there is pus, antibiotics, bovine cancer cells in milk is consistent with perhaps 60% of the milk sold... that is not organic. But then again, that is true of vegetables and fruits as well. If we consist of the amalgamation of things we consume or metabolize, so are plants and animals (if you do not believe this, try recreating the celery-food dye experiment you should have seen around 1st grade). So, to varying degrees, there is some form of contaminant in your food, regardless of what you do. 2. With the possible exception of water, there is no food or drink that is totally without negative metabolic repercussions. There is no such thing as a negative calorie food. If you have taken (not even passed) an introductory level anatomy or biology class, then you realize that entropy (the equation for the lost/ unused energy in a chemical reaction) occurs with metabolic processes, usually in the form of heat. A diet of fruits and vegetables does not indicate that this will be decreased. 3. Milk connotes liquid that comes from a mammary gland. Mammary glands are found on mammals, marsupials, and monotremes. Almonds, walnuts, coconuts, soy, hempseed, etc. are not mammals, marsupials, or monotremes... I think you know where I am going with this... Your almond/ walnut/ coconut/ soy/ hempseed milk is what is derived from crushing or extracting the oil from these dairy alternatives and mixing them with water (among other things). 4. If you are lactose intolerant, it is more than acceptable to get a dairy alternative. If you are not lactose intolerant... it is more than acceptable for you to get a dairy alternative. These alternatives usually offer a good source of nutrients in comparison to dairy. They do not carry any of the other benefits that go along with dairy milk, including immunoglobulins and organic polypeptides that are implicit in building healthy immune systems. 5. I would suggest you read On Eating and Drinking which is a portion of the book The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran, the general gist of which is that it would be ideal that you could photosynthesize your nutrients without harming another living thing. However, since that is not possible, let every meal be of reverence to life and the Divine, to God and to You. Do so with the knowledge that as you consume, so one day will you be consumed in the Infinite. Amen/ Asé/ Selah/ Buen Provecho...
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 15:39:46 +0000

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