The NASA workout The boys at NASA have a lot to answer for. - TopicsExpress


The NASA workout The boys at NASA have a lot to answer for. Not only have they put a man on the moon, but also they have now pioneered the latest advancement in diet and fitness technology . Ever blamed your metabolism for excess bulges and bumps? Well, thanks to the innovative VO2 gas exchange analyser, those days are gone. What the VO2 gas exchange analyser measures 1. Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR); this is the lowest amount of calories an individual requires in order to survive. This test shows the amount of calories needed, therefore, for weight loss. 2. Lactate Threshold. You only burn fat when you exercise aerobically, not through anaerobic (energy burned through everyday activity) means. This test shows where you burn the most fat. Both of these measurements are unique to each individual. How it helps you lose weight Your RMR is calculated by breathing into a mask for approximately 15-20 minutes, while stationary, relaxed and calm. The analyser reads the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels breathed out and pass this information through a computer, which then calculates the RMR. NASA created this equipment to find out what carbohydrates you burn, what fat you burn and, therefore, what your exact calorific needs are. This technology has been adapted for the health and fitness industry: From this equipment I know exactly what an individual needs to lose weight. By simply eating fewer calories a day than your reading, you will start to lose weight - its as simple as that. How it helps to improve fitness Most people exercise at the wrong intensity and dont achieve the expected results. By knowing how your body works, you can make your workouts more efficient, and often shorter! The second part of the testing involves determining the Lactate Threshold heart rate. This is the highest point where you are just about still aerobic but no longer burning much fat for fuel but instead, carbohydrates and sugars. This is measured by breathing into the VO2 analyser mask, and at key steps a tiny amount of blood is measured, whilst gradually exercising to full capacity, on either your road bike or my stationary cycle. This will measure your aerobic capacity by indicating the maximum amount of oxygen that can be transported to the muscles in a given amount of time. What do you do next? After the initial test, its recommended that you get retested after six months as most clients see visible results in this time period. Plus, if your aim is to lose weight for a specific occasion or date, the programme allows you to accurately calculate daily weight loss so you can work out the exact timescale it will take to lose a specific amount of weight. I have over 11 years’ experience in this type of testing and have helped many people to lose weight and improve their fitness though structured weight management and training smarter not harder. Cost £25 for the RMR Assessment and £50 for the Exercise Test. The two tests taken together cost £75. Where do you get tested? You can contact me through my website or email [email protected] for more details.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 13:07:42 +0000

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