The Obama Environmental Protection Agency’s unnatural fixation - TopicsExpress


The Obama Environmental Protection Agency’s unnatural fixation with destroying the coal industry, killing jobs and driving up energy prices for consumers continues today with the issuance of a new proposed rule for existing power plants. The U.S. economy can’t afford to lose 226,000 jobs and $50 billion each year as the President pursues his overreaching climate change agenda by any means and all costs necessary. The President’s agenda is so extreme, that less than 25% of all Americans consider it to be a priority. The President continues to unlawfully direct the EPA to impose strict limits on coal plants in order to appease environmental extremists within his own party. Congress has repeatedly rejected previous cap-and-tax energy plans proposed by the President and his big-government allies. Knowing he can’t lawfully enact a carbon-dioxide tax plan, President Obama has chosen to circumvent Congress and impose these new regulations by executive fiat. Congress, not EPA bureaucrats at the behest of the President, should dictate our country’s climate change policy. The bottom line is that this new rule will kill good-paying jobs in rural communities throughout the country. In Arizona, this proposal will likely force the Navajo Generating Station to close its doors, which will mean the permanent loss of nearly a 1,000 good-paying jobs. I will continue to fight for jobs, oppose this overreach and be a voice of reason for the American people.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 14:38:54 +0000

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